
TagCloudWebPart Members

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Include Inherited Members

Renders the most popular subjects being tagged inside an organization.

The TagCloudWebPart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TagCloudWebPart Initializes a new instance of the TagCloudWebPart class.



  Name Description
Public property DateRange Reserved for internal use.
Protected property DesignTimeHtml Gets the design-time HTML for the current Web Part. (Inherited from TagCloudBaseWebPart.)
Public property IsAsync Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TagCloudWebPart is rendered asynchronously.
Public property MaxTerms Gets or sets the maximum number of terms that are displayed to the current Web Part.
Public property ShowCount Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Count is rendered in HTML when the GetHtml(HtmlTextWriter, []) method is called. (Inherited from TagCloudBaseWebPart.)
Public property UserScope Gets or sets the user scope to which tags belong.



  Name Description
Protected method CreateChildControls Creates the child controls for the current TagCloudWebPart. (Overrides WebPartLocCreateChildControls().)
Protected method GetHtml Writes the HTML content for the TagCloudItem to the HtmlTextWriter. (Inherited from TagCloudBaseWebPart.)
Protected method GetTagCloudItemFromSocialTerm Creates a TagCloudItem for the specified SocialTerm.
Protected method GetTagCloudItemsFromSocialTerms Creates an array of TagCloudItem objects for the specified array of the SocialTerm objects.
Public method GetToolParts Gets the ToolPart objects that can be used to show and modify the TagCloudWebPart object properties. (Overrides WebPart.GetToolParts().)
Protected method OnPreRender Handles the PreRender event. (Overrides TagCloudBaseWebPart.OnPreRender(EventArgs).)
Protected method RegisterJavascript Reserved for internal use.
Protected method RenderWebPart Renders the Web Part to the client to show TagCloudItem objects. (Overrides WebPartLocRenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter).)


See Also


TagCloudWebPart Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls Namespace