
FilterDescriptorConstants Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Contains constants that are used in handling filter descriptors.

The FilterDescriptorConstants type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member CaseSensitivePropertyName Specifies the value of the constant CaseSensitivePropertyName (= "CaseSensitive").
Public fieldStatic member IsDefaultPropertyName Specifies the value of the constant IsDefaultPropertyName (= "IsDefault").
Public fieldStatic member UserContextTypePropertyName Specifies the value of the constant UserContextTypePropertyName (= "UserContextType").
Public fieldStatic member UserProfilePropertyName Specifies the value of the constant UserProfilePropertyName (= "UserProfilePropertyName ").
Public fieldStatic member UserProfileProviderPropertyName Specifies the value of the constant UserProfileProviderPropertyName (="UserProfileProvider").


See Also


FilterDescriptorConstants Class

Microsoft.Office.BusinessData.MetadataModel.Constants Namespace