
ClientErrorCodes Members

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Contains integer flags that represent the client error codes.

The ClientErrorCodes type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AccessDenied A constant integer that represents an “Access Denied” error.
Public fieldStatic member DocAlreadyExists
Public fieldStatic member GenericError A constant integer that represents a generic error.
Public fieldStatic member InvalidFieldValue A constant integer that indicates that the field value is invalid.
Public fieldStatic member ListItemDeleted A constant integer that indicates that the list item has been deleted.
Public fieldStatic member NotSupported A constant integer that indicates that the client API has been blocked by the server administrator and that the request is not supported.
Public fieldStatic member NotSupportedRequestVersion A constant integer that indicates that the schema version in the SchemaVersion attribute of the CurrentVersion method is not supported by Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.
Public fieldStatic member Redirect A constant integer that indicates that the server should redirect the request to another URL.
Public fieldStatic member VersionConflict A constant integer that is raised when the client object version does not match the server object version.


See Also


ClientErrorCodes Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client Namespace