
TypeDescriptorConstants Members

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Include Inherited Members

Contains the TypeDescriptor constants.

The TypeDescriptorConstants type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member ComplexFormattingPropertyName Specifies the value of the constant ComplexFormattingPropertyName (= "ComplexFormatting").
Public fieldStatic member DecimalDigitsPropertyName Specifies the value of the constant DecimalDigitsPropertyName (= "Decimal Digits").
Public fieldStatic member FormatStringPropertyName Specifies the value of the constant FormatStringPropertyName (= "FormatString").
Public fieldStatic member RendererDefinitionPropertyName Specifies the value of the constant RendererDefinitionPropertyName (= "RendererDefinition").
Public fieldStatic member SizePropertyName Specifies the value of the constant SizePropertyName (= "Size").
Public fieldStatic member SuppressCrawlPropertyName Specifies the value of the constant SuppressCrawlPropertyName (= "SuppressCrawl").


See Also


TypeDescriptorConstants Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.MetadataModel.Constants Namespace