
Target Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Applies to: PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint Server, Enterprise version
Represents a target key performance indicator (KPI).

The Target type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Target Initializes a new instance of the Target class.



  Name Description
Public property AggregateBy Gets or sets the aggregation method to apply to the actual's query. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property Banding Gets or sets the banding settings.
Public property CalcFormulaInfo Gets or sets the calculated formula to apply to the actual's query. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property Comments Gets the collection of comments on the element. (Inherited from Element.)
Public property CurrentFormula Gets or sets the MDX formula or tuple to use to retrieve the current value. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property DataSourceLocation Gets or sets the location of the actual's data source. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property DefaultDimensionSettings Gets the dimension slices to apply to the actual's query. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property Description Gets or sets the description of the element. (Inherited from Element.)
Public property DisableScorecardFilters Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether scorecard filters are disabled for the actual's query. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property Guid Gets or sets the unique identifier of the object. (Inherited from SecondClassElement.)
Public property IndicatorLocation Gets or sets the location of the indicator in the repository.
Public property IsCustomCurrentFormula Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the formula defined in the CurrentFormula property is used to calculate the current value of the actual. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property IsRollupScore Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the score of this target is computed by rolling up the scores of child element.
Public property ModelCurrent Gets or sets the current value of the actual. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property Name Gets or sets the display name of the element. (Inherited from Element.)
Public property OdbcQuery This object, member, or enumeration is deprecated and is not intended to be used in your code. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property OverrideDisplayFormat Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the display settings override the default display settings from the data source. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property OverrideFormatProperties Gets or sets the custom format settings for the actual's values. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property OverrideHoverText Gets or sets the description to display on mouse over. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property Owner Gets or sets the owner of the element. (Inherited from Element.)
Public property OwnerKpiLocation Gets or sets the location of the key performance indicator (KPI) that this actual represents. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property Pattern Gets or sets the pattern for this actual. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property Properties Gets the collection of properties for this element. (Inherited from Element.)
Public property RelatedActualId Gets or sets the identifier of the related actual.
Public property StatedScore Gets or sets the stated score.
Public property TimeFilterFormula Gets or sets the formula of the time intelligence filter to apply to the actual's query. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public property ValueSource Gets or sets the rollup method to apply to the source data. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)



  Name Description
Public method Clone Performs a deep copy of this object. (Overrides KpiMeasure.Clone().)
Public method CompareTo(Element) Compares this object to another object for sorting purposes. (Inherited from Element.)
Public method CompareTo(KpiMeasure) Compares this object to another object for sorting purposes. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public method CompareTo(Target) Compares this object to another object for sorting purposes.
Public method CopyBandingFrom Copies the banding from another Target object.
Public method CopyBoundariesFrom Copies banding boundaries from another Target object.
Public method CopyCalcFormulaInfo Copies the calculated formula for the actual's query from another KpiMeasure object. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public method CopyCalcTypeFrom Copies the override settings and the IsRollupScore setting from another Target object. (Overrides KpiMeasure.CopyCalcTypeFrom(KpiMeasure).)
Public method CopyDataMappingsFrom Copies query properties from another KpiMeasure object. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public method CopyFormatSettingsFrom Copies override formatting properties and mouse over text from another KpiMeasure object. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public method CopyFrom Copies from another object. (Overrides KpiMeasure.CopyFrom(Element).)
Public method Diff Compares this object with another object and returns the differences. (Overrides KpiMeasure.Diff(Object).)
Public method Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Equals(Element) Determines whether this object is equal to another object of the same type. (Inherited from Element.)
Public method Equals(KpiMeasure) Determines whether this object is equal to another object of the same type. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public method Equals(Target) Determines whether this object is equal to another object of the same type.
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetOverrideFormattedValue Gets the adjusted value after applying the multiplier, formatting, and culture information. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public method GetOverrideValue Gets the adjusted value after applying the multiplier, format, and rounding. (Inherited from KpiMeasure.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsSameBanding Determines whether the banding settings of the specified target are the same as this target.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Validate Validates this object. (Overrides KpiMeasure.Validate().)


See Also


Target Class

Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards Namespace