.gif) |
AlertCollection |
.gif) |
AllNoiseQueryException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when a search query's terms are all noise words. |
.gif) |
FullTextSqlQuery |
Represents a search query using the Enterprise SearchSQL Syntax. |
.gif) |
InvalidPropertyException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when the search query contains a property that is not valid. |
.gif) |
KeywordInformation |
Contains information about a keyword. |
.gif) |
KeywordQuery |
Represents a search query using the Enterprise Search keyword syntax. |
.gif) |
PagingCookie |
Client-side state cookie that tracks the number of results filtered out by security trimming. |
.gif) |
PluggableAccessCheckException |
.gif) |
PropertyConstraint |
.gif) |
PropertyConstraintCollection |
Represents a collection of PropertyConstraint objects. |
.gif) |
PropertyInformation |
Provides information about a managed property. |
.gif) |
Query |
The base class for executing search queries using the Enterprise Search query object model. Defines the properties and methods that are shared by the FullTextSqlQuery and KeywordQuery classes. |
.gif) |
QueryContainsOnlyExcludedTermsException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when the search query contains only excluded terms. |
.gif) |
QueryInfo |
.gif) |
QueryMalformedException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when a search query is not formed correctly. |
.gif) |
QueryService |
To access the Search Query Web service and its methods, use the websvcSearch class instead. |
.gif) |
ResultTable |
Represents a distinct collection of search results returned for a query. |
.gif) |
ResultTableCollection |
Represents a collection of ResultTable objects. |
.gif) |
ScopeInformation |
Provides information about a search scope. |
.gif) |
ScopeNotFoundException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when the scope name specified for a search query does not exist. |
.gif) |
SearchAlert |
.gif) |
SearchQueryException |
Provides the base class for Enterprise Search query exceptions. |
.gif) |
SearchServiceNotFoundException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when the search service is unavailable. |
.gif) |
Sort |
Defines how the search results are sorted. |
.gif) |
SortCollection |
Represents a collection of Sort structures. |
.gif) |
UnSupportedTopologyException |
Represents the exception that is thrown when a query has been sent to an unsupported server topology. |