.gif) |
ActiveCrawls |
Specifies a Web Part that displays summary information about currently active crawls. |
.gif) |
AdvancedSearchBox |
User interface (UI) control that displays the Advanced Search options for the Enterprise Search UI. |
.gif) |
CollapsibleFormSection |
Specifies a collapsible section of a user input form on a Web control. |
.gif) |
CompletedCrawls |
Specifies a Web Part that displays information about completed crawls. |
.gif) |
ContentDBFormSection |
Specifies a section of a user input form on a Web control that is used to configure the content database for the search service. |
.gif) |
CookiesAuthenticationControl |
Specifies a Search Administration User interface (UI) control that is used when configuring federated locations to set credentials for locations configured to use cookie authentication. |
.gif) |
CoreResultsWebPart |
User interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query in the Enterprise Search UI. |
.gif) |
FederatedResultsDatasource |
Represents the data source control used to retrieve the federated search results for the FederatedResultsWebPart Web Part. |
.gif) |
FederatedResultsDatasourceView |
Represents a view of the FederatedResultsDatasource class. |
.gif) |
FederatedResultsWebPart |
Specifies the user interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query to a federated location. |
.gif) |
FormsAuthenticationControl |
Specifies a Search Administration User interface (UI) control that is used when configuring federated locations to set credentials for locations that are configured to use forms authentication. |
.gif) |
HighConfidenceWebPart |
User interface (UI) control that displays the best bet, keyword, and high confidence results a search query in the Enterprise Search UI. |
.gif) |
PeopleCoreResultsWebPart |
User interface (UI) control that displays the results for a people search query in the Enterprise Search UI. |
.gif) |
PriortizedLocationPicker |
Determines which location to show in the TopAnswerToolPart Web Part. |
.gif) |
RefineLink |
.gif) |
RefinementHiddenObject |
.gif) |
RefineSearchResults |
.gif) |
SearchAdminDashboardWebpart |
Provides an abstract base class for creating Web Parts that display data on the administration dashboard of a search site. |
.gif) |
SearchPagingWebPart |
User interface (UI) control that displays the paging functionality for search results in the Enterprise Search UI. |
.gif) |
SearchResultsBaseDatasource |
Provides the base class for the data source control used to retrieve the federated search results for the federated results Web Parts. |
.gif) |
SearchResultsBaseDatasourceView |
Represents a view of the SearchResultsBaseDatasource class. |
.gif) |
SearchResultsBaseToolPart |
Represents a tool part that can be used to show and modify a federated results Web Part's properties. |
.gif) |
SearchResultsBaseWebPart |
Base class for the federated results Web Parts. |
.gif) |
SearchStatsWebPart |
User interface (UI) control that displays the search query's statistics in the Enterprise Search UI. |
.gif) |
SearchSummaryWebPart |
User interface (UI) control that displays the summary for a search query in the Enterprise Search UI. |
.gif) |
SharedQdraManager |
This class is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
.gif) |
Subsystems |
Specifies a Web Part that displays summary data about the status of subsystems in search. |
.gif) |
SummaryResultsToolPart |
.gif) |
SystemStatus |
Specifies a Web Part that displays summary data about the status of the search system. |
.gif) |
TextBoxWithEditor |
Displays a text box control for user input (for example, XML markup.). |
.gif) |
TopAnswerToolPart |
.gif) |
TopFederatedResultsDatasource |
Represents the data source control used to retrieve the federated search results for the TopFederatedResultsWebPart Web Part. |
.gif) |
TopFederatedResultsDatasourceView |
Represents a view of the TopFederatedResultsDatasource class. |
.gif) |
TopFederatedResultsWebPart |
The user interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query to a federated location. |