
Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls Namespace


  Class Description
Public class ActiveCrawls Specifies a Web Part that displays summary information about currently active crawls.
Public class AdvancedSearchBox User interface (UI) control that displays the Advanced Search options for the Enterprise Search UI.
Public class CollapsibleFormSection Specifies a collapsible section of a user input form on a Web control.
Public class CompletedCrawls Specifies a Web Part that displays information about completed crawls.
Public class ContentDBFormSection Specifies a section of a user input form on a Web control that is used to configure the content database for the search service.
Public class CookiesAuthenticationControl Specifies a Search Administration User interface (UI) control that is used when configuring federated locations to set credentials for locations configured to use cookie authentication.
Public class CoreResultsWebPart User interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query in the Enterprise Search UI.
Public class FederatedResultsDatasource Represents the data source control used to retrieve the federated search results for the FederatedResultsWebPart Web Part.
Public class FederatedResultsDatasourceView Represents a view of the FederatedResultsDatasource class.
Public class FederatedResultsWebPart Specifies the user interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query to a federated location.
Public class FormsAuthenticationControl Specifies a Search Administration User interface (UI) control that is used when configuring federated locations to set credentials for locations that are configured to use forms authentication.
Public class HighConfidenceWebPart User interface (UI) control that displays the best bet, keyword, and high confidence results a search query in the Enterprise Search UI.
Public class PeopleCoreResultsWebPart User interface (UI) control that displays the results for a people search query in the Enterprise Search UI.
Public class PriortizedLocationPicker Determines which location to show in the TopAnswerToolPart Web Part.
Public class RefineLink
Public class RefinementHiddenObject
Public class RefineSearchResults
Public class SearchAdminDashboardWebpart Provides an abstract base class for creating Web Parts that display data on the administration dashboard of a search site.
Public class SearchPagingWebPart User interface (UI) control that displays the paging functionality for search results in the Enterprise Search UI.
Public class SearchResultsBaseDatasource Provides the base class for the data source control used to retrieve the federated search results for the federated results Web Parts.
Public class SearchResultsBaseDatasourceView Represents a view of the SearchResultsBaseDatasource class.
Public class SearchResultsBaseToolPart Represents a tool part that can be used to show and modify a federated results Web Part's properties.
Public class SearchResultsBaseWebPart Base class for the federated results Web Parts.
Public class SearchStatsWebPart User interface (UI) control that displays the search query's statistics in the Enterprise Search UI.
Public class SearchSummaryWebPart User interface (UI) control that displays the summary for a search query in the Enterprise Search UI.
Public class SharedQdraManager This class is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class Subsystems Specifies a Web Part that displays summary data about the status of subsystems in search.
Public class SummaryResultsToolPart
Public class SystemStatus Specifies a Web Part that displays summary data about the status of the search system.
Public class TextBoxWithEditor Displays a text box control for user input (for example, XML markup.).
Public class TopAnswerToolPart
Public class TopFederatedResultsDatasource Represents the data source control used to retrieve the federated search results for the TopFederatedResultsWebPart Web Part.
Public class TopFederatedResultsDatasourceView Represents a view of the TopFederatedResultsDatasource class.
Public class TopFederatedResultsWebPart The user interface (UI) control that displays the results for a search query to a federated location.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AuthMode Specifies the authentication mode for the authentication control Web Part.
Public enumeration PeopleResultsView Defines the results sort views that are available for the DefaultPeopleView property of the PeopleCoreResultsWebPart class.
Public enumeration QueryId Defines the Query identifier (ID) values for the
Public enumeration RefineLinkModes Defines the refine link modes for the Mode property of the RefineLink Web Part.
Public enumeration ResultsView Defines the results sort views that are available for the View property of the CoreResultsWebPart() class.
Public enumeration SearchSummaryMode
Public enumeration StatsMode
Public enumeration WebPartId