
Action Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents an action in the Business Data Catalog.

The Action type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ActionParameters The URL attribute of the Action object can take parameters. The ActionParameter object defines the parameters the action URL accepts.
Public property DefaultDisplayName Gets the default display name of the metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property Entity Returns the Entity object that the action belongs to.
Public property Id Gets the unique ID of the metadata object from the metadata repository. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property ImageUrl Gets or sets the optional absolute or relative path to the action's icon image.
Public property IsCached Indicates whether this metadata object is cached or not. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property IsOpenedInNewWindow Gets or sets a value indicating whether to open the action URL in a new window.
Public property LocalizedDisplayName Gets or sets the localized display name for the metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property LocalizedDisplayNames Gets all the localized display names available for this metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property Name Represents the name of the action.
Public property Position Gets or sets a value indicating the position of the action in the Business Data features.
Public property Properties Gets all the properties that belong to this metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public property Url Gets or sets the action URL for the action.



  Name Description
Public method ContainsLocalizedDisplayName Indicates whether the metadata object contains a localized display name. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public method Delete Deletes an action. (Overrides AccessControlledMetadataObject.Delete().)
Protected method DeleteInternal When overridden in a derived class, deletes the metadata object and all of its children as per the specified SQL command. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetAccessControlList A virtual method that is designed to return the list of access control entries (ACEs) associated with the metadata object registered in the Business Data Catalog. (Inherited from AccessControlledMetadataObject.)
Public methodStatic member GetById Gets an Action object given an ID.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GetNearestIndividuallySecurableMetadataObjectAncestor Returns the nearest individually securable ancestor of the action, which in this case is the Entity object. (Overrides AccessControlledMetadataObject.GetNearestIndividuallySecurableMetadataObjectAncestor().)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method IsPrimitive Indicates whether the metadata object is of the specified primitive type. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member MergeXml
Public method Read Reads an Action object from the metadata database, overwriting the current value of the fields of the object with whatever was present in the database. (Overrides MetadataObject.Read().)
Protected method ReadInternal When overridden in a derived class, reads the metadata object from the metadata repository and creates an object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public methodStatic member ReadXml Reads an Action object from an XML stream.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Update Updates the Action object in the database. (Overrides AccessControlledMetadataObject.Update().)
Protected method UpdateInternal Infrastructure. (Overrides MetadataObject.UpdateInternal(SqlCommand).)
Public method WriteXml Writes an action to the XML stream. (Overrides MetadataObject.WriteXml(XmlWriter, PackageContents).)
Public method WriteXmlLocalizedNames Writes the specified XML fragment containing localized names in the metadata repository. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public method WriteXmlProperties Writes the specified XML fragment containing properties in the metadata repository. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)
Public method WriteXmlSecurity Writes the XML fragment containing security information. (Inherited from AccessControlledMetadataObject.)



  Name Description
Protected field version Represents the version number of the metadata object. (Inherited from MetadataObject.)


See Also


Action Class

Microsoft.Office.Server.ApplicationRegistry.Administration Namespace