
GetLastModified Method

Gets the time stamp of the last modification to the file.

HRESULT GetLastModified(
FILETIME *pftLastModified



[out] Pointer to a variable of type FILETIME containing the time stamp of the last modification to the file.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK, otherwise it returns an error value. For a list of error messages returned by Enterprise Search in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, see Protocol Handler Error Messages.


The Filter Daemon passes the value of pftLastModified to the Enterprise Search crawler. The crawler stores this value for incremental crawls. If this method is not implemented, the crawler is limited to full crawls for that content source.

A URLAccessor object does not access files unless they have been modified.

The crawler does not use a directory, so it is not necessary to provide a last-modified time for a directory folder.

See Also


Protocol Handler Reference
IUrlAccessor Interface
Enterprise Search Protocol Handlers