
Available events and their dispids (Outlook Exported APIs)

This section describes the dispatch identifiers for the events that Outlook makes available.

Outlook exposes the following dispatch identifiers (dispids) to allow C++ add-ins to listen to and handle the corresponding events from the IDispatch::Invoke function.

Constant Dispid for event Description Parameters Remarks



Used to handle the application–level event from the IDispatch::Invoke function that fires before a printing operation.

There are 2 unnamed parameters:

  • The first parameter is of the type VT_BOOL|VT_BREF. Return VARIANT_TRUE in this parameter to cancel the event.

  • The second parameter is not used and should be ignored.



Used to handle the item-level event from the IDispatch::Invoke function that fires when Outlook has completed reading the properties of the item.

There is only one parameter Cancel which is of the type VT_BOOL|VT_BREF. Return VARIANT_TRUE in this parameter to cancel the read operation.

This event corresponds to the Exchange Client Extensions (ECE) event IExchExtMessageEvents::OnReadComplete.

For an example of how to use a dispid to listen to and handle an event, see the CAppEventListener::Invoke function in the C++ Outlook solution described in Implementing Outlook 2002/XP Event Sinks in MFC C++ 2003 .NET.

See also

Outlook Exported APIs
Constants (Exported Outlook APIs)
About APIs Exported by Outlook

Implementing Outlook 2002/XP Event Sinks in MFC C++ 2003 .NET