
WorkflowStringIds Members

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Include Inherited Members

Provides tokens for strings in tooltips, messages, or properties of a Project Server workflow activity. Reserved for internal use.

The WorkflowStringIds type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method WorkflowStringIds Creates an instance of the WorkflowStringIds class.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_COMPARE_PROJECT_PROPERTY Compares a property of a project, either an intrinsic project property like Start Date or a project custom field, with a given value.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_ON_PROJECT_CHECKIN Waits for a project check in event to occur before continuing.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_ON_PROJECT_COMMIT Waits for a project commit event to occur before continuing.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_ON_PROJECT_SUBMIT Waits for a project submit event to occur before continuing.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_PROJECT_SEQUENCE Initializes a project server workflow.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_READ_PROJECT_PROPERTY Reads a property of a project, either an intrinsic project property like Start Date or a project custom field.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_READ_PROJECT_SECURITY_GROUP_MEMBERS Reads the members of a security group.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_SET_PROJECT_STAGE Sets the current stage of a project server workflow.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_UPDATE_PROJECT_PROPERTY Updates a property of a project, either an intrinsic project property like Start Date or a project custom field.
Public fieldStatic member ACTIVITY_DESC_UPDATE_PROJECT_STAGE_STATUS Updates the status displayed for a stage in PROJ_PWA_SHORT_NAME.
Public fieldStatic member APPROVAL_BEFORE_GENERIC_MESSAGE The message that is set by the workflow just before an approval process.
Public fieldStatic member APPROVAL_GROUP_EMPTY_MESSAGE The message that is sent indicating that the approval group is empty.
Public fieldStatic member APPROVAL_TASK_OUTCOME_APPROVED The outcome that you set if the project is approved.
Public fieldStatic member APPROVAL_TASK_OUTCOME_REJECTED The outcome that you set if the project is rejected.
Public fieldStatic member APPROVAL_TASK_TITLE The task title as it is created by the office task.
Public fieldStatic member AUTOMATIC_REJECTION_MESSAGE The message that is sent when a task is rejected.
Public fieldStatic member CATEGORY_OUTPUT_VALUES Denotes the category that the activity's properties are grouped by in Visual Studio Designer.
Public fieldStatic member CATEGORY_PROPERTIES Denotes the category that the activity's properties are grouped by in Visual Studio Designer.
Public fieldStatic member CATEGORY_PROPERTY_VALUE_TYPES Denotes the category that the activity's properties are grouped by in Visual Studio Designer.
Public fieldStatic member COMPARISON_CONTAINS Denotes the comparison type Contains.
Public fieldStatic member COMPARISON_EQUALS Denotes the comparison type Equals.
Public fieldStatic member COMPARISON_GREATER_THAN Denotes the comparison type Greater Than.
Public fieldStatic member COMPARISON_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL Denotes the comparison type Greater Than or Equal To.
Public fieldStatic member COMPARISON_LESS_THAN Denotes the comparison type Less Than.
Public fieldStatic member COMPARISON_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL Denotes the comparison type Less Than or Equal To.
Public fieldStatic member COMPARISON_NOT_CONTAINS Denotes the comparison type Does Not Contain.
Public fieldStatic member COMPARISON_NOT_EQUALS Denotes the comparison type Not Equal To.
Public fieldStatic member INITIAL_REVIEW_AFTER_MESSSAGE The message that is sent to the workflow after an approval.
Public fieldStatic member INITIAL_REVIEW_BEFORE_MESSSAGE The message that is sent to the workflow before an approval.
Public fieldStatic member INITIAL_REVIEW_EMAIL_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when a project is going through initial review.
Public fieldStatic member INITIAL_REVIEW_EMAIL_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent when a project is going through initial review
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_ALWAYS_WAIT A property on the SetProjectStage activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_CODE_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_CONDITIONVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_DATETIME_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_DURATION_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_FLAG_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_MDPROPUID A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_NUMERIC_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_OPERATOR A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity with a drop-down list selection.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_PROPERTY_NAME A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity with a drop-down list selection.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_TEXT_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_COMPARE_WAIT_FOR_VALUE A property on the CompareProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_INITIATION_DATA A property on the ProjectSequence activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_READ_MDPROPUID A property on the ReadProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_READ_PROPERTY_NAME A property on the ReadProjectProperty activity with a drop-down list selection.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_READ_PROPERTY_VALUES A property on the ReadProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_READ_SECURITY_GROUP_BY_DEPARTMENT A property on the ReadProjectSecurityGroupMembers activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_READ_SECURITY_GROUP_GROUP A property on the ReadProjectSecurityGroupMembers activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_READ_SECURITY_GROUP_MEMBERS A property on the ReadProjectSecurityGroupMembers activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_CODE_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_DATETIME_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_DELETE_VALUE A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_DURATION_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_FLAG_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_MAX_RETRIES A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_MDPROPUID A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_NUMERIC_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_PROPERTY_NAME A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity with a drop-down list selection.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_SET_TEXT_PROPERTY_VALUE A property on the UpdateProjectProperty activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_STAGE_ORDER A property on the SetProjectStage activity and the UpdateProjectStageStatus activity.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_STAGE_UID Contains the unique identifier of the project stage.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_STATUS_APPEND A property of UpdateProjectStageStatus.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_STATUS_INFORMATION A property of UpdateProjectStageStatus.
Public fieldStatic member PROPERTY_WORKFLOW_CONTEXT Contains information that is specific to the project to which an instance of this workflow will be linked.
Public fieldStatic member SCHEDULING_REVIEW_AFTER_MESSSAGE The message that is sent to the workflow after an approval.
Public fieldStatic member SCHEDULING_REVIEW_BEFORE_MESSSAGE The message that is sent to the workflow before an approval.
Public fieldStatic member SCHEDULING_REVIEW_EMAIL_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when a project is going through initial review.
Public fieldStatic member SCHEDULING_REVIEW_EMAIL_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent when a project is going through initial review.
Public fieldStatic member SELECTION_REVIEW_AFTER_MESSSAGE The message that is sent to the workflow after an approval.
Public fieldStatic member SELECTION_REVIEW_BEFORE_MESSSAGE The message that is sent to the workflow before an approval.
Public fieldStatic member SELECTION_REVIEW_EMAIL_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when a project is going through initial review.
Public fieldStatic member SELECTION_REVIEW_EMAIL_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent when a project is going through initial review.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_CANCELLED_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when the project is cancelled.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_CANCELLED_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent to the project owner if the project was rejected.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_COMPLETED_BODY Obsolete. Not used in Project Server 2010.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_COMPLETED_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent to the project owner after the project is completed.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_REJECTED_HIGH_COST_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when the project is rejected due to high cost.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_REJECTED_HIGH_COST_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent to the project owner if the project was rejected.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_REJECTED_INITIAL_REVIEW_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when the project is rejected.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_REJECTED_INITIAL_REVIEW_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent to the project owner if the project was rejected.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_REJECTED_SELECTION_REVIEW_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when the project is rejected in selection review.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_REJECTED_SELECTION_REVIEW_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent to the project owner if the project was rejected.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_SELECTED_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when the project is selected.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_SELECTED_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent to the project owner if the project was selected.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_UNSELECTED_BODY The body of the email message that is sent when the project is not selected.
Public fieldStatic member SEND_EMAIL_PROJECT_UNSELECTED_SUBJECT The subject of the email message that is sent to the project owner if the project was not selected
Public fieldStatic member SET_INITIAL_STAGES_STAGE_EXISTS_ERROR An argument exception that is thrown when a stage already exists.
Public fieldStatic member SET_STATUS_COMPLETED The status that is displayed for a stage in Project Web App.
Public fieldStatic member SET_STATUS_COMPLETED_ALWAYS_WAIT The status that is displayed for a stage in Project Web App.
Public fieldStatic member SET_STATUS_WAITING_CUSTOM_FIELDS The status that is displayed for a stage in Project Web App when custom fields are missing.
Public fieldStatic member SET_STATUS_WAITING_CUSTOM_FIELDS_AND_DRIVERS The status that is displayed for a stage in Project Web App when custom fields and strategic impact drivers are missing.
Public fieldStatic member SET_STATUS_WAITING_STRATEGIC_IMPACT The status that is displayed for a stage in Project Web App when the strategic impact drivers are missing.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_COMPARE_COMPLETED_FALSE The status that is logged when the comparison in the CompareProjectProperty activity is False.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_COMPARE_COMPLETED_TRUE The status that is logged when the comparison in the CompareProjectPropertyactivity is True.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_COMPARE_FAILED The status that is logged when the CompareProjectProperty activity cannot complete the comparison.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_COMPARE_WAITING_FOR_FIELD_VALUE The status that is displayed when a custom field that is required to proceed has not been filled in.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_COMPARE_WAITING_FOR_FIELD_VALUE_2 The status that is displayed when a custom field that is required to proceed has not been filled in.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY The status that is logged when the activity completes successfully.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE_NOT_FILLED The status that is logged when a custom field that is required to proceed has not been filled in.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_FAILED_EXCEPTION The exception that is thrown when a PSI method call fails due to an error.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_FAILED_PERMISSION The exception that is thrown when a PSI method call fails due to a permission problem.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_INITIALIZE_FAILED_INVALID_PROJECT Obsolete. Not used in Project Server 2010.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_INITIALIZE_FAILED_INVALID_STAGES The status that is logged when a SetProjectStage activity used a stage GUID that is not valid.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_READ_FAILED The status that is logged when ReadProjectProperty cannot complete the read.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_UPDATE_PROPERTY_FAILED_QUEUE The status that is logged when the queue job was cancelled or failed.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_UPDATE_PROPERTY_FAILED_SET The status that is logged when the property could not be updated and the workflow will be terminated.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_UPDATE_PROPERTY_WAITING_PROJECT_CHECKEDOUT The status that is logged when the UpdateProjectProperty activity is waiting for the project to be checked in.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_UPDATE_PROPERTY_WAITING_SUBMITTED The status that is logged when the UpdateProjectProperty activity is waiting for the project to be processed.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_WORKFLOW_COMPLETED The status that is displayed to the user through the status web part.
Public fieldStatic member STATUS_WORKFLOW_COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR The exception that is thrown when the workflow errors out.
Public fieldStatic member UPDATE_PROJECT_PROPERTY_PROJECT_IS_CHECKED_IN The message that is sent after the project has been checked in.
Public fieldStatic member UPDATE_PROJECT_PROPERTY_WAITING_FOR_CHECKIN The message that is sent when the UpdateProjectProperty activity is waiting for the project to be checked in.
Public fieldStatic member UPDATE_STAGE_STATUS_NONE The current stage status is not being changed.
Public fieldStatic member UPDATE_STAGE_STATUS_WAITING_FOR_APPROVAL The current stage status is set as waiting for approval.
Public fieldStatic member UPDATE_STAGE_STATUS_WAITING_FOR_INPUT The current stage status is set as waiting for input.
Public fieldStatic member UPDATE_STAGE_STATUS_WORKFLOW_PROCESSING The current stage status is set as workflow processing.
Public fieldStatic member VALIDATION_INTITIALIZE_SET_STAGE A validation error that is displayed in Visual Studio.
Public fieldStatic member VALIDATION_OUTSIDE_INTITIALIZE A validation error that is displayed in Visual Studio.
Public fieldStatic member VALIDATION_SETSTAGE_DUPLICATE_STAGE A validation warning that is displayed in Visual Studio.
Public fieldStatic member VALIDATION_SETSTAGE_PARALLEL A validation warning that is displayed in Visual Studio.
Public fieldStatic member VALIDATION_WORKFLOW_CONTEXT_NULL A validation error that is displayed in Visual Studio.
Public fieldStatic member VALIDATION_WORKFLOW_INITIATION_DATA_NULL A validation error that is displayed in Visual Studio.
Public fieldStatic member VALIDATION_WORKFLOW_TYPE A validation error that is displayed in Visual Studio.
Public fieldStatic member WORKFLOW_TERMINATED_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE A message that is displayed in the history list.


See Also


WorkflowStringIds Class

Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Workflow Namespace