
Notification Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Specifies constants that are used in the construction of reminder and alert messages that notify users about upcoming or overdue tasks and status reports, or about assignment creation and modification.

The Notification type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Notification Creates a new instance of the Notification class.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidAssignmentsChanged Specifies a GUID for an email alert that reports an assignment change.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidEnterpriseResourceToLocalResource Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when an enterprise resource is deleted and becomes local.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidManagerRejectsNewAssignment Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a manager rejects a new assignment.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidManagerRejectsNewTask Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a manager rejects a new task.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidManagerRejectsUpdateToAssignment Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a manager rejects an assignment update.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidManagerRequestsTaskUpdate Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a manager requests a task update.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidQueueJobFailed Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a queue job fails.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidResourceSubmitsAdminTime Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a resource submits administrative time.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidResourceSubmitsNewTask Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a resource submits a new task.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidResourceSubmitsStatusReport Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a resource submits a status report.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidResourceUpdatesAssignment Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a resource updates an assignment.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidStatusReportRequestChanged Specifies a GUID for an email alert that is sent when a status report request is changed.
Public fieldStatic member AlertEmailUidTaskDelegationRequest Specifies a GUID for an email alert that requests a task delegation.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidAssignmentDeleted Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports the deletion of an assignment.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidAssignmentModified Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports the modification of an assignment.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidEnterpriseResourceToLocalResource Specifies a GUID for an alert that is sent when an enterprise resource is deleted and becomes local.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidManagerRejectsNewAssignment Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports a manager's rejection of a new assignment.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidManagerRejectsNewTask Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports a manager's rejection of a new task.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidManagerRejectsUpdateToAssignment Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports a manager's rejection of an update to an assignment.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidManagerRequestsTaskUpdate Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports a manager's request for a task update.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidNewTaskAssignment Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports a new task assignment.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidQueueJobFailed Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports the failure of a queue job.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidResourceSubmitsAdminTime Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports the submission of resource administrative time.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidResourceSubmitsNewTask Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports the submission of a new task by a resource.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidResourceSubmitsStatusReport Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports the submission of a resource status report.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidResourceUpdatesAssignment Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports a resource assignment update.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidStatusReportRequestChanged Specifies a GUID for an alert that reports a changed status report request.
Public fieldStatic member AlertUidTaskDelegationRequest Specifies a GUID for an alert that contains a task delegation request.
Public fieldStatic member NotificationEmailUidTestMode Specifies a GUID for an email notification that sends a message about a test mode.
Public fieldStatic member NotificationUidTestMode Specifies a GUID for a notification that sends a message about a test mode.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderEmailUidStatusReport Specifies a GUID for an email reminder that sends a message about status reports.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderEmailUidTask Specifies a GUID for an email reminder that sends a message about a task.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderEmailUidTimesheet Specifies a GUID for an email reminder that sends a message about a timesheet.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterMyStatusReportsAreOverdue Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when status reports are overdue.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterMyStatusReportsAreOverdueUntilSubmitted Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when status reports are overdue. The reminder is sent until the status reports are submitted.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterMyTasksAreOverdue Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when tasks are overdue.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterMyTasksAreOverdueUntilComplete Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when tasks are overdue. The reminder is sent until the tasks are complete.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterTheirStatusReportsAreOverdue Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when status reports are overdue.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterTheirStatusReportsAreOverdueUntilComplete Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when status reports are overdue. The reminder is sent until the status reports are complete.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterTheirTasksAreOverdue Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when tasks are overdue.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterTheirTasksAreOverdueUntilComplete Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when tasks are overdue. The reminder is sent until the tasks are complete.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidAfterTheirTasksStartedButHaveNoWork Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent when tasks are started but no work has yet been done.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidBeforeMyStatusReportsAreDue Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent before status reports are due.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidBeforeMyTasksAreDue Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent before tasks are due.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidBeforeMyTasksAreDueUntilComplete Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent before tasks are due. The reminder is sent until the tasks are complete.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidBeforeMyTasksStart Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent before tasks start.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidBeforeTheirStatusReportsAreDue Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent before status reports are due.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidBeforeTheirTasksAreDue Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent before tasks are due.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidMyStartedIncompleteTasks Specifies a GUID for a reminder about started tasks that are not yet complete.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidTimesheetNotSubmitted Specifies a GUID for a reminder that a timesheet is not submitted.
Public fieldStatic member ReminderUidUntilMyStatusReportsAreSubmitted Specifies a GUID for a reminder that is sent until status reports are submitted.
Public fieldStatic member SignalReminderUidGenericData Generic reminder. For internal use.


See Also


Notification Class

Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library Namespace