
Report.DrawWidth Property (Access)

You can use the DrawWidth property to specify the line width for the Line , Circle , and Pset methods to print lines on reports. Read/write Integer.


expression .DrawWidth

expression A variable that represents a Report object.


You can set the DrawWidth property to an Integer value of 1 through 32,767. This value represents the width of the line in pixels. The default is 1, or 1 pixel wide.

You can set this property in an event procedure specified by a section's OnPrint property setting.

Increase the value of this property to increase the width of the line. If the DrawWidth property setting is greater than 3, DrawMode property settings 1 through 4 produce a solid line (the DrawStyle property setting isn't changed). Setting the DrawWidth property to 1 enables the DrawStyle property to produce the results shown in the setting table of the DrawStyle property.

See Also


Report Object

Report Object Members