
How to: Export Data, Schema, and Related Tables to XML

The ExportXML method can be used to export the data and formatting contained in a table, along with any additonal data that you specify.

To specify the additional data to export, you must must use the CreateAdditionalData method to create an AdditionalData object. Then, use the Add method to add additonal tables to export along with the main table.

The following procedure illustrates how to include additional data when exporting a table to XML. The Orders table is exported along with several other tables. The schema and the formatting are also exported as separate .xsd and .xsl files, respectively.

Private Sub ExportRelTables() 
   ' Purpose: Exports the Orders table as well as  
   ' a number of related databases to an XML file. 
   ' XSD and XSL files are also created. 
   Dim objAD As AdditionalData 
   ' Create the AdditionalData object. 
   Set objAD = Application.CreateAdditionalData 
   ' Add the related tables to the object. 
   With objAD 
      .Add "Order Details" 
      objAD(Item:="Order Details").Add "Order Details Details" 
      .Add "Customers" 
      .Add "Shippers" 
      .Add "Employees" 
      .Add "Products" 
      objAD(Item:="Products").Add "Product Details" 
      objAD(Item:="Products")(Item:="Product Details").Add _ 
         "Product Details Details" 
      .Add "Suppliers" 
      .Add "Categories" 
   End With 
   ' Export the Orders table along with the addtional data. 
   Application.ExportXml acExportTable, "Orders", _ 
       "C:\Orders.xml", "C:\OrdersSchema.xsd", _ 
       "C:\OrdersStyle.xsl", AdditionalData:= objAD 
End Sub