
Introduction to the SetAssignmentWorkData Schema

Applies to: Office 2010 | Project 2010 | Project Server 2010 | SharePoint Server 2010

In this article
Creating Work Status ChangeXML
Updatable Fields
Using Work Status ChangeXML

The SetAssignmentWorkData Schema defines the XML elements used to construct a work status changeXML string. A work status changeXML string defines the fields to update in a work data Statusing call, and specifies the new values for those fields.

The changeXML string for the SetAssignmentWorkData method is used to make programmatic updates to assignment work data without requiring that the project be checked out. You can use a single changeXML string to define updates to multiple projects. For each project, you can specify one or more assignments to update.

Creating Work Status ChangeXML

You can write work status changeXML strings manually or programmatically. For an example of constructing a work status changeXML string programmatically, see SetAssignmentWorkData.

Updatable Fields

You can update specific assignment work data and related assignment fields by using a changeXML string. You can make both simple and timephased updates; however, not all fields are supported for both types of update.

You can perform more complex XML-based Statusing updates by using the UpdateStatus method. For more information, see the ChangeList Schema Reference and the UpdateStatus method.

Table 1 lists the assignment fields that you can update with work data changeXML, as well as the data types and valid update types for those fields.

Table 1. Assignment fields to update with work data ChangeXML

Field Type

Data Type

Valid Change Type

Actual Work

Project work time unit (PWU). 1 PWU=1/1000 of a minute. 480,000 PWU=8 hours.

Simple, Timephased

Assignment-level value for the Health enterprise custom field

Lookup table value GUID

Simple, Timephased



Simple, Timephased

Overtime Work

Project work time unit


Remaining Work

Project work time unit

Simple, Timephased

Total Work

Project work time unit


Using Work Status ChangeXML

You pass the work status changeXML string to the SetAssignmentWorkData method as a parameter.

When capturing events, work status changeXML is provided by the following classes:

See Also


SetAssignmentWorkData Schema

SetAssignmentWorkData Elements