
_SelectNamesDialog Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

This is a primary interface in a COM coclass that is required by managed code for interoperability with the corresponding COM object. Use this primary interface only when the method you want to use shares the same name as an event of the COM object; in this case, cast to this interface to call the method, and cast to the latest events interface to connect to the event. Otherwise, use the .NET interface that is derived from the COM coclass to access methods, properties, and events of the COM object. For information about the COM object, see SelectNamesDialog.

The _SelectNamesDialog type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowMultipleSelection Returns or sets a Boolean (bool in C#) that determines whether more than one address entry can be selected at a time in the Select Names dialog. Read/write.
Public property Application Returns an Application object that represents the parent application (Outlook) for the SelectNamesDialog object. Read-only.
Public property BccLabel Returns or sets a String (string in C#) for the text that appears on the Bcc command button on the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.
Public property Caption Returns or sets a String (string in C#) value that represents the title for the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.
Public property CcLabel Returns or sets a String (string in C#) for the text that appears on the Cc command button on the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.
Public property Class Returns a constant in the OlObjectClass enumeration indicating the class of the SelectNamesDialog object. Read-only.
Public property ForceResolution Returns or sets a Boolean (bool in C#) that determines if Outlook must resolve all recipients in the object specified by _SelectNamesDialog.Recipients before the user can click OK to accept the typed or selected recipients in the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.
Public property InitialAddressList Returns or sets an AddressList object that determines the initial address list to be displayed in the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.
Public property NumberOfRecipientSelectors Returns or sets a OlRecipientSelectors constant that determines the number of recipient edit boxes (each associated with a command button) displayed in the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.
Public property Parent Returns the parent object of the SelectNamesDialog object. Read-only.
Public property Recipients Returns a Recipients collection object that represents the recipients selected in the Select Names dialog, or sets a Recipients collection object that represents the initial recipients to be displayed in the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.
Public property Session Returns the NameSpace object for the current session. Read-only.
Public property ShowOnlyInitialAddressList Returns or sets a Boolean (bool in C#) that determines if the AddressList represented by _SelectNamesDialog.InitialAddressList is the only AddressList available in the drop-down list for Address Book in the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.
Public property ToLabel Returns or sets a String (string in C#) for the text that appears on the To command button on the Select Names dialog box. Read/write.



  Name Description
Public method Display Displays the Select Names dialog box.
Public method SetDefaultDisplayMode Sets the default display mode for the Select Names dialog box, specifying its caption and button labels.


See Also


_SelectNamesDialog Interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Namespace