
Welcome to the Microsoft Office Project 2007 SDK

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Revised: December 2007

Welcome to the Microsoft Office Project 2007 Software Development Kit (SDK). The SDK contains documentation, code samples, how-to articles, and programming references to help customize and integrate the Office Project 2007 clients and Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 with a wide variety of other desktop and business applications for enterprise project management.

The Project Developer Portal in the Microsoft Office Developer Center includes links to Project blogs, webcasts, and other resources. For a general overview of the Project Server 2007 development platform, see also the MSDN technical article Project Server 2007: Getting Started with a New Platform for Developers.

The Project 2007 SDK includes developer information for Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007, and Microsoft Office Project Standard 2007. The Project 2007 SDK articles are designed to help Project 2007 developers and administrators evaluate Project Server for extensibility and plan for custom solutions.

Project Server 2007 is a platform for building enterprise project management solutions. Project Server is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. The Project 2007 SDK introduces Office Project 2007 users to the new Project Server architecture and programmability features. The SDK articles and samples provide a starting place for developing custom solutions; they do not address all programmability features of Project Server or Project Professional.

This article includes the following sections:

  • SDK Contents

    • What's New

    • Future SDK Releases

  • Sections in the Project SDK

SDK Contents

The Project 2007 SDK is available in the MSDN library and also as a download.


For the SDK and sample code download files, see Project 2007: Software Development Kit. The SDK download file includes sample code that corresponds to some of the "How to" topics such as How to: Log on to Project Server Programmatically and Using the ProjTool Test Application.

The Reporting database schema and OLAP cube schema references are included only in the Project 2007 SDK download, not in the on-line topics.

What's New

December 2007 Update

Following are new topics in the December 2007 update of the Project 2007 SDK.

The Project 2007 SDK download includes the following new and updated content:

  • ERP Connector:   Complete sample source code and test application for the ERP Connector.

  • XML schema:   Revised Project XML data interchange schema (mspdi_pj12.xsd).

  • ProjTool:   The ProjTool application and source code now includes a dialog box for backup and restore of selected projects. The status bar also shows the Project Server version number from the ReadServerVersion PSI method. The Project Server version number in the Service Pack 1 (SP1) release is 12.0.6218.1000.

  • Library assembly:   The Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library.dll assembly is from the Project Server 2007 SP1 release. The download includes both the 32- and 64-bit builds and a license with redistribution rights. The assembly file version number in the SP1 release is 12.0.6211.1000.


There are no changes in PSI method parameters or return types in SP1. However, there are minor changes in internal classes in some Project Server assemblies. Whenever you update Project Server or Windows SharePoint Services with a new service pack, you should refresh the Web service references, copy the updated Project Server and SharePoint assemblies to any reference directories you use on your development computer, and recompile custom applications.

Previous SDK Updates

In addition to updates of the PSI reference topics and event receiver methods, the April and July 2007 releases of the SDK include the following new and updated articles.

The VBA reference for Project Standard and Project Professional, including the object model maps, is published on MSDN in the Project 2007 Developer Reference and in Project Help for Visual Basic when you choose to show content from Office Online.

Future SDK Releases

We will periodically publish new articles in the Technical Articles section for Project 2007. The SDK for the next major version of Microsoft Office Project will include additional documentation of the PSI methods and DataSet properties, along with documentation of new Web services, classes, and members.


Most of the DataSet topics and topics in the Microsoft.Office.Project namespaces have only minimal documentation.

Sections in the Project SDK

The Office Project 2007 SDK includes the following main sections.

  • Project 2007 Overview for Developers includes articles about getting started with Project development, Office Project 2007 architecture, integration with Office SharePoint Server 2007, Project Server security, resource management, custom fields, OLAP cubes, and changes for custom Project Guides. The Project Server Programmability topic explains what the Project Server Interface is designed—and not designed—to do. The VBA Object Model Changes section includes topics that explain Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) support for major new areas of Project 2007.

  • Project Server Interface (PSI) Overview explains what the PSI is, includes a summary of the PSI Web services and namespaces, shows how to find the PSI and use it in development, and provides an introduction to using DataSet objects with the PSI. There are several articles that explain how to develop with features of Project Server such as events and programmatic logon, and an article that explains how to create a PSI extension.


    You can access the PSI Web services in two ways: through the Project Web Access URL and through the Shared Services URL. Unless your application requires impersonation, you should use the Project Web Access URL for the PSI.

  • The PDS Parity in PSI Web Services section includes a list of PSI methods that are equivalent to Project Data Service methods in previous versions of Project Server and examples of porting PDS code to the PSI.

  • Project Server Integration includes information about developing and using custom Project Server Web Parts, changing the default project workspace site template, managing project workspace links, and using the Object Link Provider. The ERP Connector Solution Starter includes sections on architecture for integrating Project Server with enterprise resource planning applications, setup and configuration, functional specifications, and testing of the sample application.

  • Using the Reporting Database describes the Report Data Service, PSI methods and events for the Reporting database. The Project Server Report Pack includes seven sample reports created with the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Development Studio.

  • Project Server Programming Tasks includes articles that explain how to write an event handler for Project Server, develop an application that programmatically logs on Project Server, use the Project Server queue, create an XML filter for PSI methods that read data, programmatically create a lookup table and enterprise custom field, create impersonation applications, and customize e-mail notifications. The section includes a description of the ProjTool test application in the SDK samples download.

  • Project Programming References includes the PSI Reference Overview for Project Server, tables of Project Server error codes, and tables of VBA object model changes. The section also includes references for the Project XML data interchange schema, and the ChangeList and SetAssignmentWrokData schemas for the ChangeXML parameter of the Statusing methods.

Please send feedback about any article in the Project 2007 SDK by using the link at the top of the article page. You can also add your own content to the SDK with the Community Content section at the bottom of each page.


To develop and deploy applications that integrate with Project Server 2007, you must install at least the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (v2.0.50727) on the development computer, on the Project Server computer, and on the deployment computers. Applications that use Windows Workflow require the .NET Framework 3.0. Applications developed with Visual Studio Tools for Office in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 require the .NET Framework 3.5. For more information, see Importing Project 2007 Tasks from Excel Using a Managed Code Add-In.

See Also

Other Resources

Project Developer Portal

Project Server 2007: Getting Started with a New Platform for Developers

Importing Project 2007 Tasks from Excel Using a Managed Code Add-In

Project 2007 VBA Developer Reference

Project 2007: Software Development Kit

Windows SharePoint Services Developer Center

SharePoint Server 2007 Developer Portal