
Project Server Security Primer

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The security model in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 is based on the common security features of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Project Server 2007, unlike earlier versions of Project Server, uses the Forms authentication feature in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 instead of the independent Project Server authentication.

You can manage Project Server roles and permissions through Project Web Access or programmatically through the PSI. The Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 security model enables you to extend roles, permissions, and membership providers.

In This Section

Authentication and Authorization describes Windows and Forms authentication, and the basic Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 security objects for user authorization in Project Server.

Using Project Server Security explains the rules and practical use of the security objects such as global security settings, security templates, and security categories.

Using Security Methods in the PSI shows how to query for user permissions and programmatically manage security groups, categories, templates, and the organizational permissions.

See Also


How to: Log on to Project Server Programmatically

Walkthrough: Creating and Using Custom Project Server Permissions


Project Server Architecture