
Project Server Error Codes

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Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 processes and Project Server Interface (PSI) methods have error code numbers that are generally arranged by functional area. PSErrorID lists the error code enumeration names in alphabetical order. This article lists the error codes in tables that are arranged by the PSI class or functional area and by the error ID number.

Table 1 lists the functional areas for Project Server error codes, with the general number ranges. Table 2 lists the error code number ranges in ascending order, with links to the related table. All error codes are unique; however, there are some functional areas that overlap in some error code number ranges.

For sample code that uses the PSClientError object to show a list of errors in a PSI method call, see Example.

Table 1. Error code functional areas and related number ranges

Project Server functional area

Error code number ranges

Table 3: General error codes

0 - 99; 500 - 999; 9131; 10000 - 10099; 20000 - 20099; 26000 - 26099

Table 4: Active cache

12000 - 12099

Table 5: Active Directory synchronization

27000 - 27999

Table 6: Admin Web service

16600 - 16699; 19011, 19012, and 19032; 20003; 25000 - 25099; and 28000 - 28099

Table 7: Archive (backup and restore)

25000 - 25999; and 29000 - 29099

Table 8: Assignments

120 - 199

Table 9: Calendar

77; and 13000 - 13999

Table 10: Cube Build Service (CBS)

17000 - 17999

Table 11: Check in – check out

10100 - 10199

Table 12: Custom fields

11500 - 11999

Table 13: Lookup tables

11000 - 11499

Table 14: Notifications

16000 - 16599

Table 15: Projects

100 - 499; 1000 - 1199; 9100 - 9199; and 23000 - 23999

Table 16: Reporting Data Service

24000 - 24999

Table 17: Resources

2000 - 2999

Table 18: Resource plans

30000 - 30999

Table 19: Rules

21000 - 21099

Table 20: Security

19000 - 19099

Table 21: Server events

19033; and 22000 - 22999

Table 22: Statusing

3100 - 3199

Table 23: Status reports

12100 - 12299

Table 24: Tasks

7000 - 7099

Table 25: Timesheets

3200 - 3299

Table 26: SharePoint integration

16400 - 16499: Windows SharePoint Services integration and project workspaces

18000 - 18099: Object Link Provider and SharePoint project import

Table 2. Error code table by number range

Error code range

Error code table

0 - 99

Table 3: General error codes, except 77 is in Table 9: Calendar

100 - 119

Table 15: Projects

120 - 199

Table 8: Assignments

500 - 999

Table 3: General error codes

1000 - 1199

Table 15: Projects

2000 - 2999

Table 17: Resources

3100 - 3199

Table 22: Statusing

3200 - 3299

Table 25: Timesheets

7000 - 7099

Table 24: Tasks

9100 - 9199

Table 15: Projects, except 9131 is in Table 3: General error codes

10000 - 10099

Table 3: General error codes

10100 - 10199

Table 11: Check in – check out

11000 - 11499

Table 13: Lookup tables

11500 - 11999

Table 12: Custom fields

12000 - 12099

Table 4: Active cache

12100 - 12299

Table 23: Status reports

13000 - 13999

Table 9: Calendar

16000 - 16399

Table 14: Notifications

16400 - 16499

Table 26: SharePoint integration

16600 - 16699

Table 6: Admin Web service

17000 - 17999

Table 10: Cube Build Service (CBS)

18000 - 18099

Table 26: SharePoint integration

19000 - 19099

Table 20: Security, except 19011, 19012, and 19032 are security-related codes in Table 6: Admin Web service

20000 - 20099

Table 3: General error codes, except 20003 is in Table 6: Admin Web service

21000 - 21099

Table 19: Rules

22000 - 22999

Table 21: Server events

23000 - 23999

Table 15: Projects

24000 - 24999

Table 16: Reporting Data Service

25000 - 25999

Table 7: Archive (backup and restore), except 25004, 25006 are in Table 6: Admin Web service

26000 - 26099

Table 3: General error codes

27000 - 27999

Table 5: Active Directory synchronization

28000 - 28099

Table 6: Admin Web service

29000 - 29099

Table 7: Archive (backup and restore)

30000 - 30999

Table 18: Resource plans

Table 3. General error codes

General error code


NoError = 0; Success = 0

No error, or success.

GeneralRequestInvalidParameter = 6

One of the request nodes or parameters is either invalid or invalid within the context of the request.

GeneralInvalidValue = 11

Request value invalid; for example, a UID specified as 0.

GeneralStartDateGTorEQFinishDate = 26

The specified date range is invalid.

GeneralQueueOperationInProcess = 29

Generic error for an operation still being processed in the queue.

GeneralUnhandledException = 42

An unhandled exception occurred.

GeneralDuplicateGUIDSpecified = 66

There is a duplicate GUID in the request.

GeneralDateNotValid = 69

Dates must be in the range of 1/1/1984 to 12/12/2049.

GeneralCostInvalid = 70

A cost parameter is invalid.

GeneralWorkInvalid = 71

A work parameter is invalid.

GeneralDurationInvalid = 72

A duration parameter is invalid.

GeneralUnitsInvalid = 73

The specified unit is invalid.

GeneralOnlyInsertsAllowed = 74

Only inserts are allowed.

GeneralOnlyUpdatesAllowed = 75

Only updates are allowed.

GeneralSessionInvalid = 76

The session parameter is invalid.

GeneralDependencyUidInvalid = 78

The dependency GUID is invalid.

GeneralNumberInvalid = 79

A number is invalid.

GeneralInvalidDataStore = 80

The specified database does not exist. Use a database in DataStoreEnum.

GeneralDurationOrWorkFormatInvalid = 513

The work duration or format is invalid.

GeneralRateFormatInvalid = 518

The rate format is invalid.

GeneralQueueException = 9131

Exception: there is a general error in the Queuing Service.

GeneralItemDoesNotExist = 10000

A specified item does not exist.

GeneralLCIDInvalid = 10001

The locale identifier (language ID) is invalid.

GeneralRowDoesNotExist = 10002

The specified row in a DataTable does not exist.

GeneralInvalidColumnValue = 20000

A column value in a DataTable is invalid.

GeneralInvalidDataRowState = 20001

A DataRow state is invalid.

GeneralDuplicatedNames = 20004

There is a duplicate name. Names must be unique.

GeneralReadOnlyColumn = 20005

The column is read-only.

GeneralReadOnlyRow = 20006

The row is read-only.

GeneralNotNullColumn = 20007

The column cannot be null.

GeneralObjectAlreadyExists = 20008

The object already exists.

GeneralInvalidObject = 20009

The object is invalid.

GeneralSecurityAccessDenied = 20010

Access is denied because of security permissions.

GeneralInvalidOperation = 20011

The operation is invalid.

GeneralInvalidCharacters = 20012

There are invalid characters. In addition to the TAB character, the following characters are invalid in a project name: \ / " : ; < > | , . ' ? * #

GeneralNameTooLong = 20013

The name is too long.

GeneralNameCannotBeBlank = 20014

The name cannot be blank. Do not use a null or empty string.

GeneralInvalidOperationOnReadOnlyValue = 20016

The attempted operation on a read-only value is invalid.

GeneralInvalidDateOverlap = 20018

The request contains overlapping dates.

GeneralParameterCannotBeNull = 20020

The parameter cannot be null.

GeneralActionCanceledByEventHandler = 22000

The event handler canceled the action.

GeneralActionCanceledBecauseServerEventServiceNotFound = 22001

The Project Server Event Service is not found.

GeneralActionCanceledBecauseServerEventServiceProblem = 22002

There is a problem in the Project Server Event Service.

GeneralQueueJobFailed = 26000

The queue job failed.

GeneralQueueInvalidJobUID = 26001

The job GUID for the queue is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidTrackingUID = 26002

The tracking GUID for the queue is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidJobInfoUID = 26003

The job information GUID for the queue is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidCorrelationUID = 26004

The queue correlation GUID is invalid.

GeneralQueueCorrelationBlocked = 26005

The queue correlation is blocked.

GeneralQueueInvalidMessageType = 26006

The queue message type is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidJobState = 26007

The queue job state is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidGroupState = 26008

The group state in the queue is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidGroupPriority = 26009

The group priority in the queue is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidCorrelationPriority = 26010

The correlation priority in the queue is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidQueueID = 26011

The queue ID is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidAdminAction = 26012

The Admin action is invalid for the queue.

GeneralQueueInvalidStatType = 26013

The queue status type is invalid.

GeneralQueueInvalidBlockPolicy = 26014

The queue blocking policy is invalid.

GeneralQueueCannotRetryJob = 26015

The queue cannot retry the job.

GeneralQueueInvalidSetting = 26016

There is an invalid setting for the queue.

GeneralQueueInvalidRendezvousUID = 26017

The queue rendezvous GUID is invalid.

GeneralDalErrorGettingConnectionStrings = 26018

Error getting connection strings for the Data Access Layer.

GeneralDalErrorConnectingToDatabase = 26019

Error in the Data Access Layer connecting to the database.

GeneralDalInvalidArgumentCountCreatingFilter = 26020

Invalid number of arguments for creating a filter.

GeneralDataTableCannotBeNull = 26024

A DataTable cannot be null.

Table 4. Active cache error codes

Active cache error code


ActiveCacheInvalidDataFormat = 12000

The data format is invalid.

ActiveCacheUnsupportedDataFormatVersion = 12001

The data format version is unsupported.

ActiveCacheInvalidQueuedMessageType = 12003

The queued message type is invalid.

ActiveCacheNullQueuedMessage = 12004

The queued message is null.

ActiveCacheQueuedMessageExecutionError = 12005

There is an execution error for the queued message.

ActiveCacheInvalidDataSize = 12006

The data size is invalid.

ActiveCacheQueueJobAlreadyStarted = 12007

The queue job is already started.

ActiveCacheInvalidQueuedMessageFormat = 12008

The message format in the queue is invalid.

ActiveCacheUnsupportedQueuedMessageVersion = 12009

The message version in the queue is invalid.

ActiveCacheUnsupportedQueueDataType = 12011

The data type in the queue is unsupported.

ActiveCacheInvalidVersionStampForSave = 12012

The version stamp for the save operation is invalid.

ActiveCacheProjectTypeMismatch = 12013

The project type does not match the expected type.

ActiveCacheDataValidationFailed = 12014

Data validation failed.

Table 5. Active Directory synchronization error codes

Active Directory synchronization error code


AdSyncUpdateTimerJobFailed = 27002

The update timer job failed for synchronization with Active Directory directory services.

AdSyncDeleteTimerJobFailed = 27003

The delete timer job failed for synchronization with Active Directory.

AdSyncAdConnectFail = 27006

Cannot connect with Active Directory directory services.

(27000 - 27999)

Other synchronization errors for Microsoft Active Directory directory services are not enumerated within Project Server.

Table 6. Admin Web service error codes

Admin error code


AdminViewNameAlreadyExists = 16600

The view name already exists. Names must be unique.

AdminViewInvalidDividerPosition = 16601

The divider position is invalid.

AdminViewDataWasTampered = 16602

The data has been altered.

AdminViewMaxDisplayedFieldsNumberExceeded = 16603

The display exceeds the maximum number of fields.

AdminViewCannotDeleteDefaultView = 16604

Cannot delete the default view.

AdminViewCannotCopyDefaultView = 16605

Cannot copy the default view.

AdminLocalCustomFieldInvalid = 19011

There is an invalid local custom field.

AdminEnterpriseCustomFieldInvalid = 19012

There is an invalid enterprise custom field.

AdminNTAccountNotFound = 19032

The Windows (NTLM) account is not found.

AdminUnableToMerge = 20003

Unable to merge the data.

AdminDeleteArchivedProjectsFailed = 25004

The delete operation for archived projects failed.

AdminUpdateArchiveScheduleFailed = 25006

Failed to update the archive schedule.

AdminArchiveScheduleFailed = 28018

The archive schedule failed.

AdminReadArchivedProjectsListFailed = 28019

Failed to read the list of archived projects.

AdminReadArchiveScheduleFailed = 28020

Failed to read the archive schedule.

AdminUserAccountNameNull = 28021

The user account name is null.

AdminIsWindowsUserNull = 28022

The Windows (NTLM) user account appears to be null.

AdminInvalidTimePeriodState = 28023

The timeperiod state is invalid.

AdminGlobalUpdateFailed = 28024

The enterprise global update failed during the call to SetServerCurrency.

AdminGlobalCheckedOut = 28025

The enterprise global is already checked out during the call to SetServerCurrency.

Table 7. Archive Web service error codes

Archive (backup and restore) error code


ArchiveProjectFailure = 25000

The project archive operation failed.

ArchiveProjectsFailed = 25001

Cannot save any of the projects in the Archive database.

ArchiveProjectFailed = 25002

Cannot save the project archive.

RestoreProjectFailed = 25003

Cannot restore the project.

ArchiveResourcesFailed = 25007

Cannot save the resources archive.

ArchiveCustomFieldsFailed = 25008

Cannot save the custom fields archive.

RestoreCustomFieldsFailed = 25009

Cannot restore the custom fields.

ArchiveSystemSettingsFailed = 25010

Cannot save system settings archive.

RestoreSystemSettingsFailed = 25011

Cannot restore the system settings.

ArchiveCategoriesFailed = 25012

Cannot save the security categories archive.

RestoreCategoriesFailed = 25013

Cannot restore the security categories.

ArchiveViewsFailed = 25014

Cannot save the views archive.

RestoreViewsFailed = 25015

Cannot restore the views.

ArchiveGlobalProjectFailed = 25016

Cannot save the enterprise global archive.

RestoreGlobalProjectFailed = 25017

Cannot restore the enterprise global.

ArchiveInvalidRetentionPolicyValue = 25018

The archive retention policy value is invalid.

ArchiveCustomFieldsFailure = 25019

Cannot read the custom fields archive.

ArchiveGlobalProjectFailure = 25020

Cannot read the enterprise global archive.

ArchiveResourcesFailure = 25021

Cannot read the resources archive.

ArchiveSystemSettingsFailure = 25022

Cannot read the system settings archive.

ArchiveViewsFailure = 25023

Cannot read the views archive.

ArchiveCategoriesFailure = 25024

Cannot read the security categories archive.

ResourcePlanPublishFailure = 25025

Cannot publish the resource plan.

RestoreCategoriesFailure = 25026

Cannot restore the security categories from the archive.

RestoreCustomFieldsFailure = 25027

Cannot restore the custom fields from the archive.

RestoreGlobalProjectFailure = 25028

Cannot restore the enterprise global from the archive.

RestoreProjectFailure = 25029

Cannot restore the project from the archive.

RestoreResourcesFailure = 25030

Cannot restore the resources from the archive.

RestoreSystemSettingsFailure = 25031

Cannot restore the system settings from the archive.

RestoreViewsFailure = 25032

Cannot restore the views from the archive.

ArchiveReadProjectArchiveRetentionSettingFailed = 28017

Failed to read the project archive retention settings.

RestoreResourcesFailed = 29021

Cannot restore the resources.

Table 8. Assignment error codes

Assignment error code


AssignmentNotFound = 120

Assignment not found.

AssignmentWrongTrackingMethod = 122

The assignment has the wrong tracking method.

AssignmentWorkTypeInvalid = 127

The assignment work type is invalid.

AssignmentRateTableInvalid = 130

The rate table for the assignment is invalid.

AssignmentAlreadyExists = 131

The assignment already exists.

AssignmentDuplicateSpecified = 132

There is a duplicate assignment.

AssignmentUidInvalid = 133

The assignment GUID is invalid.

AssignmentDelayInvalid = 134

The assignment delay is invalid.

AssignmentCannotEditSummaryTask = 135

A summary task cannot be edited for assignments.

AssignmentInvalid = 136

The assignment is invalid.

AssignmentFieldsInvalidForBudget = 137

The assignment fields are invalid for the budget.

AssignmentAlreadyAssignedToResource = 138

The resource already had the assignment.

AssignmentInvalidOwner = 139

The assignment owner is invalid.

Table 9. Calendar error codes

Calendar error code


CalendarUidInvalid = 77

The calendar GUID is invalid.

CalendarOnlyOneShiftIsNull = 13000

Only one shift is null.

CalendarRecurrenceDaysShouldBeNull = 13001

Recurrence days should be null.

CalendarRecurrenceMonthDayShouldBeNull = 13002

The recurrence month and day should be null.

CalendarRecurrenceMonthShouldBeNull = 13003

The recurrence month should be null.

CalendarRecurrenceMonthShouldNotBeNull = 13004

The recurrence month should not be null.

CalendarRecurrencePositionShouldBeNull = 13005

The recurrence position should be null.

CalendarRecurrencePositionShouldNotBeNull = 13006

The recurrence position should not be null.

CalendarRecurrenceDaysShouldNotBeNull = 13007

The recurrence days should not be null.

CalendarInvalidRecurrenceFrequency = 13008

The recurrence frequency is invalid.

CalendarInvalidRecurrenceType = 13009

The recurrence type is invalid.

CalendarInvalidRecurrenceDays = 13010

The recurrence days are invalid.

CalendarInvalidCombinationOfMonthDayAndPosition = 13011

The combination of month, day, and position is invalid.

CalendarInvalidRecurrencePosition = 13012

The recurrence position is invalid.

CalendarCannotModifyExceptionsForCalendarBeingDeleted = 13013

The calendar exceptions cannot be modified when a calendar is being deleted.

CalendarExceptionConflict = 13014

There is a conflict in the calendar exceptions.

CalendarBadDateValue = 13015

The date is invalid.

CalendarNotFound = 13021

The calendar is not found.

CalendarAlreadyExists = 13022

The calendar already exists.

CalendarNameShouldNotBeNull = 13023

The calendar name is null.

CalendarInternalError = 13025

There is an internal error in the calendar operation.

CalendarNameTooLong = 13027

The calendar name is too long.

CalendarInvalidCalendarName = 13028

The calendar name is invalid.

CalendarStandardCalendarNotFound = 13031

The standard calendar is not found.

CalendarInvalidShifts = 13032

The shifts are invalid.

CalendarCannotDeleteCalendarUsedByProject = 13033

Cannot delete a calendar that is being used in a project.

CalCalendarUniqueIdToDuplicateShouldBeNull = 13035

The GUID should be null to duplicate a calendar.

CalendarInvalidBaseCalendarUniqueId = 13037

The base calendar GUID is invalid.

CalendarInvalidUniqueIdToDuplicate = 13038

The GUID is invalid to duplicate a calendar.

CalendarUnusedCalendarException = 13039

The calendar exception is unused.

CalendarCannotDeleteStandardCalendar = 13040

The standard calendar cannot be deleted.

CalendarCannotRenameStandardCalendar = 13041

The standard calendar cannot be renamed.

CalendarCannotDeleteCalendarUsedByEnterpriseResource = 13042

The calendar is in use by an enterprise resource and cannot be deleted.

CalendarFilterInvalid = 13043

The filter is invalid for a calendar.

Table 10. CubeAdmin and Cube Build Service error codes

Cube Build Service (CBS) error code


CBSGeneralFailure = 17001

General failure in the CBS.

CBSDsoNotInstalled = 17002

The CBS needs the Decision Support Objects (DSO) component installed for Analysis Services.

CBSASConnectionFailure = 17003

The CBS failed to connect to Analysis Services server.

CBSOlapProcessingFailure = 17004

The OLAP cube processing failed.

CBSMetadataProcessingFailure = 17005

Processing of the cube metadata failed.

CBSASServerLockTimeOut = 17006

The Analysis Services server lock timed out.

CBSOlapDatabaseSetupFailure = 17007

Setup of the OLAP cube database failed.

CBSASEntityLimitation = 17008

Exceeded the number of entities that Analysis Services can use.

CBSRequestInvalidArguments = 17009

Invalid argument in the CBS request.

CBSQueueingRequestFailed = 17010

The CBS failed to submit the job to the queue.

CBSUpdateCubeCalculatedMeasureDefintionError = 17011

There is an error in a cube calculated member.

CBSAttemptToOverwrite = 17013

Cannot overwrite data in the cube.

CBSCustomFieldCannotBeAddedAsDimension = 17014

The custom field cannot be a cube dimension.

CBSCustomFieldFailedToBeAddedAsDimension = 17015

Failed to add the custom field as a dimension in the cube.

CBSCustomFieldCannotBeAddedAsMeasure = 17016

The custom field cannot be a cube measure.

CBSCustomFieldFailedToBeAddedAsMeasure = 17017

Failed to add the custom field as a measure in the cube.

CBSDsoTranslatorNotFound = 17018

The Decision Support Objects translator is not found.

Table 11. Check in and check out error codes

Check in - check out error code


CICOCheckedOutToOtherUser = 10100

Checked out to another user.

CICOAlreadyCheckedOutToYou = 10101

Already checked out to you.

CICONotCheckedOut = 10102

Not checked out.

CICOCheckedOutInOtherSession = 10103

Checked out in another session.

CICOInvalidSessionGuid = 10104

Invalid session GUID

CICOAlreadyCheckedOutInSameSession = 10105

Already checked out in the same session.

Table 12. Custom field error codes

Custom field error code


CustomFieldInvalidPropertyType = 11500

Invalid property type.

CustomFieldInvalidScope = 11503

Invalid scope.

CustomFieldScopesMustBeIdentical = 11504

The scopes must be identical.

CustomFieldInvalidEntityUID = 11505

Invalid entity GUID.

CustomFieldHasInvalidPropertiesForNonLookupTableCF = 11506

Invalid properties for a custom field with no lookup table.

CustomFieldNonExistentWeightsTableUID = 11507

The weights table GUID does not exist.

CustomFieldInvalidName = 11508

Invalid custom field name.

CustomFieldInvalidDefault = 11510

Invalid default value for the custom field.

CustomFieldInvalidLookupTableUID = 11511

Invalid lookup table GUID.

CustomFieldTypeDoesNotMatchLookupTableMask = 11512

Custom field type does not match lookup table mask.

CustomFieldCannotHaveNonLeafNodeDefault = 11513

The custom field default value must be a leaf node.

CustomFieldMatchingOnlyAvailableForResources = 11514

Matching custom field is available only for resources.

CustomFieldUIDCannotMatchLookupTableUID = 11516

The GUID does not match a lookup table GUID.

CustomFieldUIDAlreadyExists = 11517

The custom field GUID already exists.

CustomFieldIDAlreadyExists = 11518

The custom field ID already exists.

CustomFieldNameAlreadyExists = 11519

The custom field name already exists.

CustomFieldInvalidEntity = 11520

The entity is invalid for the custom field.

CustomFieldMaskDoesNotMatchEntityType = 11521

The code mask does not match the entity type.

CustomFieldLowerOrderBitsOutOfRange = 11522

The lower order bits are out of range.

CustomFieldInvalidMaxValues = 11523

Invalid maximum values.

CustomFieldCannotModifyCertainValuesOnceDefined = 11524

Certain values cannot be modified after they are defined.

CustomFieldNonExistentPID = 11526

The custom field process ID does not exist.

CustomFieldCannotChangeBuiltInFields = 11527

Cannot change the Project Server built-in fields, such as Cost Type, State, and RBS.

CustomFieldSecondaryUidCannotEqualUid = 11528

The secondary GUID cannot equal the primary GUID.

CustomFieldCannotHaveSecondaryUIDorIDForThisEntityType = 11529

The custom field cannot have a secondary GUID or a GUID for this type of entity.

CustomFieldNameMatchesIntrinsicField = 11530

The custom field name matches an intrinsic field.

CustomFieldInvalidAggregationType = 11531

Invalid aggregation type.

CustomFieldProjectFormulaFieldsMustUseFormulaAggregation = 11532

The project formula fields must use formula aggregation.

CustomFieldMustSpecifyEitherIDorUID = 11700

Must specify the custom field ID or GUID.

CustomFieldInvalidID = 11701

Invalid custom field ID.

CustomFieldInvalidUID = 11702

Invalid custom field GUID.

CustomFieldInvalidType = 11703

Invalid custom field type.

CustomFieldInvalidTypeColumnFilledIn = 11704

Invalid type column value.

CustomFieldCodeValueDoesNotMatchLookupTable = 11706

The code value does not match the lookup table.

CustomFieldCodeValueIsNotLeafNode = 11707

The code value is not a leaf node of the lookup table.

CustomFieldRowAlreadyExists = 11708

The custom field row already exists.

CustomFieldRowDoesNotMatchCorrespondingDefinitionInDB = 11710

The custom field row does not match the database definition.

CustomFieldCodeValueAlreadyUsed = 11711

The code value is already used.

CustomFieldMaxValuesExceeded = 11712

Maximum custom field values exceeded.

CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided = 11713

A required custom field value is not provided.

CustomFieldCannotChangeLookupTable = 11715

Cannot change the custom field lookup table.

CustomFieldFilterInvalid = 11716

The custom field filter is invalid.

CustomFieldRolldownInvalidOnFormulaFields = 11717

A roll down cannot occur on a formula custom field.

CustomFieldFormulaFieldCannotBeRequired = 11718

The formula field cannot be required.

CustomFieldCannotSetValueOnFormulaFields = 11720

Cannot set value on formula fields.

CustomFieldNewPerRequestLimitExcedeed = 11721

Exceeded request limit for new custom fields. The limit is NEW_CF_PER_REQUEST_LIMIT in one request.

CustomFieldNameIsReservedName = 11722

A custom field name cannot be a reserved name.

CustomFieldNameInvalidForOlapMeasure = 11723

The custom field name is invalid for an OLAP cube measure.

CustomFieldNameInvalidForOlapDimension = 11724

The custom field name is invalid for an OLAP cube dimension.

CustomFieldSettingsInvalidForOlapMeasure = 11725

The custom field settings are invalid for an OLAP cube measure.

CustomFieldSettingsInvalidForOlapDimension = 11726

The custom field settings are invalid for an OLAP cube dimension.

Table 13. Lookup table error codes

Lookup table error code


LookupTableMaskNotDefined = 11000

The lookup table code mask is not defined.

LookupTableMaskHasTooManyValues = 11001

The lookup table code mask has too many values.

LookupTableMaskHasGaps = 11002

The lookup table code mask has gaps.

LookupTableMaskSequenceTypeLimitedToOneLevelDeep = 11003

The code mask sequence type is limited to one level.

LookupTableMaskSequenceTypeInvalid = 11004

The code mask sequence type is invalid.

LookupTableMaskSequenceRequiresAnyLength = 11005

The code mask sequence requires a length of Any.

LookupTableMaskSeparatorTooLong = 11006

The code mask separator is too long. It must be one character.

LookupTableMaskLevelMustBeBlankAcrossLCIDs = 11007

The code mask level must be blank across the locale identifiers (language IDs).

LookupTableMaskSeparatorInvalid = 11008

Invalid code mask separator character.

LookupTableMaskBlankSeparatorInvalidAfterAnyLengthSequence = 11009

A blank separator character is invalid after a sequence length of Any.

LookupTableMaskSequenceLengthInvalid = 11010

Invalid code mask sequence length.

LookupTableMaskLevelMustBeOneOrMore = 11011

The code mask must be level 1 or greater.

LookupTableItemDoesNotFitMask = 11050

The lookup table item does not fit the code mask definition.

LookupTableItemContainsSeparator = 11051

The lookup table item contains a separator character.

LookupTableItemFullValueTooLong = 11052

The full value of the lookup table item is too long.

LookupTableDuplicateSiblingsDisallowed = 11053

Duplicate siblings in the lookup table are not allowed.

LookupTableSortOrderIndexInvalid = 11054

Invalid lookup table sort order index.

LookupTableSortOrderIndexDuplicate = 11055

Duplicate lookup table sort order index.

LookupTableSortOrderTypeInvalid = 11056

Invalid lookup table sort order type.

LookupTableSortOrderMustComeAfterParentSortOrder = 11057

The sort order must come after the parent sort order.

LookupTableSortOrderMustComeBeforeParentNextSiblingSortOrder = 11058

The sort order must come before the parent of the next sibling sort order.

LookupTableInvalidCookieLength = 11060

Invalid cookie length for lookup table.

LookupTableMustHaveValuesForPrimaryLCIDorJustOneValue = 11061

The lookup table must have values for the primary locale identifier (language ID), or just one value. When you create a multilanguage lookup table, for example, add only one mask value for each level, or first add the value for the primary LCID.

LookupTableLCIDNotSupportedInLookupTableLanguages = 11062

The locale identifier (language ID) is not included in lookup table languages.

LookupTableInvalidDescriptionLength = 11063

Invalid description length of lookup table item.

LookupTableCannotChangeBuiltInTables = 11064

Cannot change the built-in lookup tables.

LookupTableCannotChangeTypeOnceCreated = 11065

Cannot change the lookup table type after the lookup table is created.

LookupTableCannotDeleteLTWithDependantCustomField = 11066

Cannot delete a lookup table that is used in a custom field.

LookupTableAllLevelsNotFilled = 11067

All lookup table levels must be filled.

LookupTableDuplicateName = 11068

Lookup table names must be unique.

LookupTableInvalidName = 11069

Invalid lookup table name.

LookupTableDuplicateSiblingPhoneticsDisallowed = 11071

Cannot have duplicate sibling phonetics in a lookup table.

LookupTableItemHasTrailingOrLeadingWhitespace = 11072

The lookup table item has leading or trailing whitespace (space, tab, return, or linefeed characters).

LookupTableItemInvalidLookupTable = 11073

Invalid item in lookup table.

LookupTableInvalidPhoneticsLength = 11074

Invalid length of the phonetics field.

LookupTableAlreadyExists = 11076

The lookup table already exists.

LookupTableInvalidUID = 11078

Invalid lookup table GUID.

LookupTableFilterInvalid = 11079

Invalid lookup table filter.

LookupTableLanguageParameterInvalidWithXmlFilter = 11080

A language parameter is invalid with a lookup table xmlFilter parameter.

LookupTableInvalidParentStructUid = 11081

Invalid GUID for lookup table parent structure.

LookupTableItemContainsListSeparator = 11082

The lookup table item contains a list separator.

Table 14. Notification error codes

Notification error code


NotificationReminderUnknown = 16050

Unknown reminder notification.

NotificationReminderParentNotSubscribed = 16051

There is no subscription to the parent of the reminder notification.

NotificationReminderParentNotFound = 16052

Parent of the reminder notification is not found.

NotificationReminderChildStillSubscribed = 16053

There is still a subscription to the child of the notification reminder.

NotificationReminderChildNotFound = 16054

Child of the reminder notification is not found.

NotificationEMailDeliveryFailed = 16080

Notification e-mail delivery failed.

NotificationQueueMessageFailed = 16082

Notification queue message failed.

NotificationCouldNotAddJobToQueue = 16083

Could not add notification job to the queue.

NotificationXSLTTransformationError = 16084

Error in the notification XSLT transformation.

Table 15. Project error codes

Project error code


ProjectGlobalNotFound = 100

Cannot find the enterprise global.

ProjectGlobalCannotBeDeleted = 101

Cannot delete the enterprise global.

ProjectNotFound = 1000

Project not found.

ProjectAlreadyExists = 1001

Project already exists.

ProjectCheckedoutToOtherUser = 1002

The project is checked out to another user.

ProjectTypeInvalidForCreate = 1003

Invalid project type for create operation.

ProjectParametersInvalid = 1004

Invalid project parameters.

ProjectNotCheckedoutToUser = 1006

Project not checked out to user.

ProjectCheckedout = 1007

Project checked out.

ProjectTypeInvalid = 1008

Invalid project type.

ProjectIDInvalid = 1009

Invalid project ID.

ProjectNameTooLong = 1014

Project name too long.

ProjectManagerNameTooLong = 1015

Project manager name too long.

ProjectNameInvalid = 1016

Project name invalid.

ProjectStartDateMissing = 1025

Project start date missing.

ProjectNameMissing = 1026

Project name missing.

ProjectVersionMissing = 1027

Project version missing.

ProjectDoesNotExist = 1028

Project does not exist.

ProjectMultipleProjectsInvalid = 1029

Multiple projects are invalid.

ProjectHasWriteLock = 1030

Project has a write lock in the database.

ProjectHasPendingWriteLock = 1031

Project has a pending write lock.

ProjectHasNoReadLock = 1032

Project does not have a read lock.

ProjectHasReadLock = 1033

Project has a read lock.

ProjectNameAlreadyExists = 1034

Project name already exists.

ProjectOptCriticalSlackLimitInvalid = 1035

The optional critical slack limit is invalid.

ProjectOptCurrencyPositionInvalid = 1036

The optional currency position is invalid.

ProjectOptCurrencyDigitsInvalid = 1037

The optional currency digits are invalid.

ProjectOptCurrencySymbolTooLong = 1038

The optional currency symbol is too long.

ProjectCannotDelete = 1039

Cannot delete the project. Only regular or template server-side projects can be deleted.

ProjectCannotAdd = 1040

Cannot use the AddToProject method on the server-side project.

ProjectOptCurrencySymbolInvalid = 1041

The optional currency symbol is invalid.

ProjectHasNoWriteLock = 1042

The project does not have a write lock.

ProjectFilterInvalid = 1043

Invalid project filter.

ProjectTooLarge = 1044

The project proposal is too large.

ProjectOptCurrencyCodeNot3Chars = 1045

The optional currency code is not three characters.

ProjectOptCurrencyCodeInvalid = 1046

Invalid optional currency code.

ProjectActualsAreProtected = 1047

The project actuals are protected.

ProjectTemplateNotFound = 1048

Project template not found.

ProjectCurrencyCodeInvalid = 1049

Invalid currency code.

ProjectCannotEditCostResource = 1050

Cannot edit cost resource.

ProjectIsNotPublished = 1051

Project not published.

ProjectExceededLWPTaskLimit = 1052

Exceeded the task limit for a project proposal (a lightweight project).

ProjectOptFinishDateInvalid = 1053

The optional project finish date is invalid.

ProjectExceededItemsLimit = 1054

Exceeded the limit of items to process. The Shared Service Provider cannot use ProjectDataSet to add or update more than 1000 items total in all tables. To process more than 1000 items, use multiple calls, for example, to QueueUpdateProject.

ProjectColumnNotReadOnly = 1055

The column is not read-only.

ProjectInvalidOwner = 1056

Invalid project owner.

ProjectCantEditPctWrkCompForNonWrkRscs = 1057

Cannot edit PctWorkComplete for a task that has no real work assignments.

ProjectResourceNotFound = 1100

Resource not found.

ProjectResourceAlreadyExists = 1101

Resource already exists.

ProjectCannotReplaceResourceWithSelf = 1106

Cannot replace resource with same object.

ProjectCannotChangeLockedTrackingMethod = 1107

Cannot change because the tracking method is locked.

ProjectNodeConsistencyException = 9132

Exception: node is not consistent.

ProjectSchedulingEngineException = 9133

Exception in the scheduling engine.

ProjectFormulaCalculationException = 9134

Exception in formula calculation.

ProjectUpdateDatabaseException = 9135

Exception in database update.

ProjectDeleteException = 9136

Exception in deleting project.

ProjectOperationException = 9137

Exception in project operation.

ProjectPublishFailure = 23000

Failure in the queue while publishing project.

ProjectCurrencyConflict = 23001

There is a conflict in the currency.

ProjectPublishFailed = 23002

Publishing project failed when being enqueued.

ProjectReversePublishFailure = 23004

Reverse publish of project failed during queue processing.

ProjectArchiveRetentionDeleteFailure = 23005

Failure deleting project due to archive retention.

ProjectDeleteFailure = 23006

Failure deleting project.

ProjectPublishEnqueueFailure = 23007

Failure of project publishing when being enqueued.

ProjectCheckinFailure = 23008

Check in of project failed during queue processing.

ProjectCheckinFailed = 23009

Check in of project failed when being enqueued.

ProjectCheckoutFailed = 23010

The user does not have project checkout permission.

Table 16. Reporting Data Service (RDS) error codes

RDS error code


ReportingAttributeCubeSettingsChangedMessageFailed = 24000

The RDS change message failed for a cube settings attribute.

ReportingBaseCalendarChangeMessageFailed = 24001

The RDS change message failed for a base calendar.

ReportingCustomFieldMetadataChangeMessageFailed = 24002

The RDS change message failed for custom field metadata.

ReportingEntityUserViewChangedMessageFailed = 24003

The RDS change message failed for an entity user view.

ReportingFiscalPeriodChangeMessageFailed = 24004

The RDS change message failed for a fiscal period.

ReportingLookupTableChangeMessageFailed = 24005

The RDS change message failed for a lookup table.

ReportingProjectChangeMessageFailed = 24006

The RDS change message failed for a project.

ReportingResourceCapacityUpdateMessageFailed = 24007

The RDS update message failed for resource capacity.

ReportingResourceChangeMessageFailed = 24008

The RDS change message failed for a resource.

ReportingTimesheetAdjustMessageFailed = 24009

The RDS adjust message failed for a timesheet.

ReportingTimesheetClassCreateMessageFailed = 24010

The RDS create message failed for a timesheet class.

ReportingTimesheetDeleteMessageFailed = 24011

The RDS delete message failed for a timesheet.

ReportingTimesheetPeriodDeleteMessageFailed = 24012

The RDS delete message failed for a timesheet period.

ReportingTimesheetPeriodMessageFailed = 24013

The RDS message failed for a timesheet period.

ReportingTimesheetSaveMessageFailed = 24014

The RDS save message failed for a timesheet.

ReportingTimesheetStatusChangeMessageFailed = 24015

The RDS change message failed for timesheet status.

ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed = 24016

The RDS message failed for Windows SharePoint Services synchronization.

ReportingGetSPWebFailed = 24017

The RDS failed to get the SharePoint Web value.

ReportingWssSyncListFailed = 24018

The RDS failed to synchronize with the SharePoint list.

ReportingWssTransferLinksFailed = 24019

The RDS failed to transfer SharePoint links.

ReportingQueueMessageSubmitFailed = 24020

The RDS failed to submit a message to the queue.

ReportingWssSyncHRefFailed = 24021

The RDS failed to synchronize with the SharePoint HRef value.

ReportingSyncGlobalDataMessageFailed = 24022

The RDS message to synchronize with the enterprise global data failed.

ReportingRDBRefreshMessageFailed = 24023

The RDS message to refresh the RDB failed.

Table 17. Resource error codes

Resource error code


ResourceNotFound = 2000

Resource not found.

ResourceAlreadyExists = 2001

Resource already exists.

ResourceCheckedoutToOtherUser = 2002

Resource checked out to another user.

ResourceUIDInvalid = 2011

Invalid resource GUID.

ResourceNameInvalid = 2016

Invalid resource name.

ResourceNameTooLong = 2017

Resource name too long.

ResourceInitialsTooLong = 2018

Resource initials too long.

ResourceCheckedout = 2025

The resource is checked out.

ResourceNTAccountInvalid = 2026

Invalid Resource Windows (NTLM) account.

ResourceNameAlreadyInUse = 2027

Resource name is already used. Names must be unique.

ResourceNTAccountAlreadyInUse = 2028

The resource NTLM account is already used.

ResourceAdGuidAlreadyInUse = 2029

The resource GUID is already used.

ResourceHasActuals = 2031

The resource has actuals.

ResourceNTAccountTooLong = 2035

The NTLM account is too long.

ResourceEMailAddressTooLong = 2036

The resource e-mail address is too long.

ResourceCodeTooLong = 2037

The resource code is too long.

ResourceGroupTooLong = 2038

The resource group is too long.

ResourceWorkGroupInvalid = 2039

Invalid resource workgroup.

ResourceTypeInvalid = 2040

Invalid resource type.

ResourceNonWorkResourceWithEMailInvalid = 2044

A non-working resource cannot have an e-mail address.

rsResourceNameHasTrailingOrLeadingWhitespace = 2046

The resource name has leading or trailing whitespace.

ResourceCannotDeleteCallingUserAccount = 2047

The user cannot delete his own account.

ResourceInitialsInvalid = 2048

Invalid resource initials.

ResourceAccrueAtInvalid = 2049

Invalid value for accrual.

ResourceNonMaterialResourceCannotHaveMaterialLabel = 2050

A non-material resource cannot have a material label.

ResourceMaterialResourceCannotHaveCertainFields = 2051

A material resource cannot have certain fields.

ResourceAvailFromAvailToOverlap = 2052

Overlap of available from and available to dates.

ResourceInvalidEmailLanguage = 2053

Invalid e-mail language.

ResourceBookingTypeInvalid = 2055

Invalid booking type.

ResourceCannotReplaceMaterialResourceWithNonMaterialResource = 2056

Cannot replace material resource with non-material resource.

ResourceCannotUpdateEnterpriseResource = 2057

Cannot update enterprise resource.

rsResourceCannotAddLocalWithSameNameAsEnterprise = 2058

Cannot add local resource with the same name as an enterprise resource.

ResourceCannotSetRateOnCostResource = 2059

Cannot set a rate on a cost resource.

ResourceCannotSetRateOnMaterialResource = 2060

Cannot set a rate on a material resource.

ResourceCannotSetCanLevelOnNonWorkResource = 2061

Cannot set the level on a non-work resource.

ResourceCannotDeleteThisUser = 2062

Cannot delete this user.

ResourceCannotDeactivateSelf = 2063

A resource cannot deactivate herself.

ResourceAvailabilityDateRangesOverlap = 2064

Resource availability date ranges overlap.

ResourceAvailabilityOutsideTheHireAndTerminationDateRange = 2065

The resource availability date is outside the hire and termination date range.

ResourceFilterInvalid = 2066

Invalid filter for resource.

ResourceSegmentWithThisEffectiveDateDoesNotExist = 2067

Cannot delete a resource rate that has not been saved.

ResourceSegmentWithThisEffectiveDateAlready = 2068

A segment with this effective date already exists.

ResourceUserHasItemCheckedOutToItStill = 2069

The user has an item still checked out.

ResourceInvalidHireDate = 2070

Invalid hire date.

ResourceInvalidTerminationDate = 2071

Invalid termination date.

ResourceCannotChangeExistingResourceType = 2072

Cannot change a resource type.

ResourceCannotSetTimesheetManagerOnSpecifiedResource = 2073

Cannot set the timesheet manager on the specified resource.

ResourceInvalidTimesheetManager = 2074

Invalid timesheet manager.

ResourceInvalidAssignmentOwner = 2075

Invalid assignment owner.

ResourceCannotCreateCostResource = 2076

Cannot create cost resource.

ResourceInvalidRbsValue = 2077

Invalid RBS value.

ResourceCannotSetAssignmentOwnerOnSpecifiedResource = 2078

Cannot set assignment owner on the specified resource.

ResourceFieldsInvalidForBudget = 2079

Invalid fields for budget.

ResourceHyperlinkInvalid = 2080

Invalid hyperlink.

ResourceAuthorizationValidOnlyOnWorkResources = 2081

The authorization is valid only on work resources.

ResourceIsProjectOwner = 2082

Cannot delete resource because resource is the project owner.

ResourceIsTimesheetManager = 2083

Cannot delete resource because resource is the timesheet manager.

ResourceIsDefaultAssignmentOwner = 2084

Cannot delete resource because resource is the default assignment owner.

ResourceIsAssignmentOwner = 2085

Cannot delete resource because resource is the assignment owner.

ResourceIsUsedInResourcePlan = 2086

Cannot delete resource because resource is used in the resource plan.

ResourceCannotDeleteEnterpriseResource = 2087

Cannot delete enterprise resource, for unknown reason.

ResourceSetResourceAuthorizationFailed = 2088

Failed to set resource authorization.

ResourceTooManyResourcesSpecifiedToDelete = 2089

Cannot delete the number of resources specified.

ResourceTooManyResourcesReturned = 2090

The method cannot handle that number of resources.

Table 18. Resource plan error codes

Resource plan error code


ResourcePlanProjectPublishIncomplete = 30000

Did not complete publishing the project for the resource plan.

ResourcePlanInvalidResourceType = 30001

Invalid resource type in the resource plan.

ResourcePlanInactiveResourcesDisallowed = 30002

Inactive resources are not allowed in a resource plan.

ResourcePlanFilterInvalid = 30003

Invalid resource plan filter.

ResourcePlanSaveFailure = 30004

Failed to save resource plan.

ResourcePlanCheckinFailure = 30005

Failed to check in the resource plan.

ResourcePlanDeleteFailure = 30006

Failed to delete the resource plan.

ResourcePlanInvalidUtilizationType = 30007

Invalid resource plan utilization type.

ResourcePlanInvalidTimescale = 30008

Invalid resource plan timescale.

ResourcePlanMismatchedJobList = 30009

Mismatch in resource plan job list.

ResourcePlanAlreadyExists = 30010

Resource plan already exists.

ResourcePlanInvalidProjectUID = 30011

Invalid project GUID for the resource plan.

ResourcePlanResourceAlreadyExists = 30012

The resource already exists in the resource plan.

Table 19. Rules Web service error codes

Rule error code


RulesNameTooLong = 21001

The name of the approval rule is too long.

RulesDescriptionTooLong = 21002

The rule description is too long.

RulesInvalidRuleType = 21003

Invalid rule type.

RulesInvalidConditionType = 21004

Invalid condition type for a rule.

RulesInvalidOperatorType = 21005

Invalid operator type for a rule.

RulesInvalidListItemType = 21007

Invalid list item type for a rule.

RulesNameInvalidCharacters = 21008

Invalid characters in the rule name.

RulesDescriptionInvalidCharacters = 21009

Invalid characters in the rule description.

RulesInvalidValueType = 21010

Invalid value type in the rule.

Table 20. Security error codes

Security error code


SecurityGroupCouldNotBeCreated = 19001

Cannot create security group.

SecurityFieldAccessIDInvalid = 19003

Invalid security field access code ID.

SecurityCannotUpdateFacForNonExistentCategory = 19004

Security category does not exist; cannot update the field access code.

SecurityDuplicateCategoryUid = 19005

Duplicate security category GUID.

SecurityDuplicateGroupUid = 19006

Duplicate security group GUID.

SecurityDuplicateTemplateUid = 19007

Duplicate security template GUID.

SecurityInvalidTemplateUidRef = 19008

Invalid security template GUID.

SecurityInvalidGlobalPermission = 19009

Invalid global security permission.

SecurityInvalidCategoryPermission = 19010

Invalid security category permission.

SecurityInvalidObjectType = 19035

Invalid security object type.

SecurityUpdatedGroupNotFound = 19013

Updated security group not found.

SecurityUpdatedCategoryNotFound = 19014

Updated security category not found.

SecurityUpdatedTemplateNotFound = 19015

Updated security template not found.

SecurityGroupMemberNotFound = 19016

Security group member not found.

SecurityUserNotFound = 19018

Project Server user not found.

SecurityNoCategoryRelationForPermission = 19019

Security category relation not found for the permission.

SecurityCannotDeleteDefaultGroup = 19020

Cannot delete default security group.

SecurityCannotDeleteDefaultCategory = 19021

Cannot delete default security category.

SecurityCategoryCouldNotBeCreated = 19022

Cannot create security category.

SecurityNoCategoryForPermission = 19023

Security category not found for the permission.

SecurityNoCategoryForObject = 19024

Security category not found for the object.

SecurityNoCategoryForRule = 19025

Security category not found for the rule.

SecurityNoGroupForPermission = 19026

Security group not found for the permission.

SecurityCannotSetPermissionForFieldGroup = 19027

Cannot set permission for the security group field.

SecurityInvalidFieldGroup = 19028

Invalid security field group.

SecurityCannotSetOrgPermission = 19029

Cannot set the security organization permission.

SecurityInvalidOrgPermission = 19030

Invalid security organization permission.

SecurityInvalidSecurityRule = 19031

Invalid security rule.

SecurityTemplateNotFound = 19034

Security template not found.

SecurityDuplicateUid = 19036

The security object GUID is a duplicate.

SecurityObjectNotFound = 19037

The security object is not found.

SecurityInvalidCategoryUidRef = 19080

Invalid security category GUID.

SecurityInvalidProjectUidRef = 19081

Invalid project GUID for the security object.

SecurityInvalidGroupUidRef = 19082

Invalid security group GUID.

SecurityInvalidUserUidRef = 19083

Invalid user GUID for the security object.

SecurityInvalidCategoryPermissionUidRef = 19084

Invalid permission GUID for the security category.

SecurityInvalidGlobalPermissionUidRef = 19085

Invalid security global permission GUID.

SecurityInvalidResourceUidRef = 19086

Invalid resource GUID for the security object.

SecurityDeleteNotSupportedBySetMethod = 19087

The method cannot delete the security object.

Table 21. Project Server event error codes

Project Server event error code


ServerEventInvalidEventId = 19033

Invalid Project Server event ID.

ServerEventServiceNotFound = 22003

The Project Server Eventing service is not found.

ServerEventRemoteCouldNotReachProxy = 22005

The remote Project Web Access could not reach the proxy Project Server event manager.

ServerEventManagerCouldNotReachRemote = 22006

The Project Server event manager could not reach the remote Project Web Access.

ServerEventHandlerNotSigned = 22007

The Project Server event handler is not signed.

ServerEventHandlerMalformedAssemblyName = 22008

Invalid assembly name for the Project Server event handler.

ServerEventHandlerOrderInvalid = 22009

Invalid order for the Project Server event handler.

ServerEventHandlerDuplicateEntry = 22010

Duplicate entry for the Project Server event handler.

ServerEventHandlerNotFound = 22011

Project Server event handler not found.

ServerEventHandlerDuplicateName = 22012

Duplicate name for the Project Server event handler.

Table 22. Statusing Web service error codes

Statusing error code


StatusingInvalidEntity = 3102

Invalid entity for Statusing.

StatusingGetDataForTaskFailed = 3103

Failed to get data for task status.

StatusingGetTaskOrAssnCntrFailed = 3104

Failed to get task or Assignment Center for status.

StatusingInvalidPIDForProjCntr = 3105

Invalid Statusing property ID for Project Center.

StatusingDeleteAssnFailed = 3106

Failed to delete assignment in Statusing process.

StatusingAssnSaveFailed = 3107

Failed to save assignment in Statusing process.

StatusingTaskSaveFailed = 3108

Failed to save task in Statusing process.

StatusingInvalidPID = 3109

Invalid Statusing property ID.

StatusingSetDataValueInvalid = 3111

Invalid Statusing data value.

StatusingSetDataFailed = 3112

Failed to set Statusing data value.

StatusingInvalidDelegationStart = 3113

Invalid start time for assignment in DelegateAssignments method.

StatusingApprovalUpdateFailed = 3114

Failed to update status approval.

StatusingInvalidApprovalType = 3115

Invalid status approval type.

StatusingInternalError = 3116

Internal processing error in a Statusing method.

StatusingInvalidUpdateData = 3117

Invalid update data in a Statusing method.

StatusingProjectUpdateFailed = 3118

Failed to Statusing update of project.

StatusingInvalidPreviewData = 3119

Invalid Statusing preview data.

StatusingInvalidTransaction = 3120

Invalid Statusing transaction.

StatusingTooManyResults = 3121

Too many results. More than 5000 rows would be returned when reading timephased status data.

StatusingInvalidInterval = 3122

Invalid interval in a Statusing method. The interval must in minutes and must be greater than zero.

StatusingApplyUpdatesFailed = 3123

Failed to apply Statusing updates when enqueuing the request.

StatusingApplyUpdatesFailure = 3124

Failed to apply Statusing updates during queue processing.

StatusingInvalidWorkData = 3125

Invalid work data for Statusing.

StatusingMissingNameAttribute = 3126

Missing name attribute for Statusing.

StatusingInvalidNameAttribute = 3127

Invalid name attribute for Statusing.

StatusingInvalidData = 3128

Invalid Statusing data.

StatusingInvalidChangelist = 3130

Invalid XML data in the changexml parameter of the UpdateStatus method.

StatusingInsufficientAssignmentRights = 3131

SetAssignmentWorkData cannot update an assignment because the user does not have permission.

Table 23. Status report error codes

Status report error code


StatusReportsUnknownError = 12100

Unknown error in StatusReports.

StatusReportsPeriodUnmatched = 12101

Cannot match the status report period.

StatusReportsPeriodUnavailable = 12102

The status report period is unavailable.

StatusReportsInvalidFormInput = 12103

Invalid input in status report form.

Table 24. Task error codes

Task error code


TaskIDInvalid = 7001

Invalid task GUID.

TaskNameTooLong = 7003

Task name too long.

TaskTypeInvalid = 7005

Invalid task type.

TaskPriorityInvalid = 7006

Invalid task priority.

TaskConstraintTypeInvalid = 7007

Invalid task constraint type.

TaskNameInvalid = 7008

Invalid task name.

TaskConstraintTypeRequiresConstraint = 7010

The task requires a constraint type.

TaskConstraintTypeCannotHaveConstraintDate = 7011

Cannot have a constraint date for the type of constraint.

TaskSummaryTaskCannotBeMilestone = 7013

The summary task cannot be a milestone.

TaskFixedCostAccrualInvalid = 7014

Invalid fixed cost accrual for a task.

TaskPercentCompleteInvalid = 7015

Invalid task percent complete value.

TaskWorkPercentCompleteInvalid = 7016

Invalid task work percent complete value.

TaskPhysicalPercentCompleteInvalid = 7017

Invalid task physical percent complete value.

TaskLinkTypeInvalid = 7018

Invalid task link type.

TaskAlreadyExists = 7019

The task already exists.

TaskLinkAlreadyExists = 7020

The task link already exists.

TaskNotFound = 7021

Task not found.

TaskLinkNotFound = 7022

Task link not found.

TaskLinkLagInvalid = 7023

Invalid lag time on task link.

TaskUnableToInsert = 7025

Cannot insert a task.

TaskAddPositionInvalid = 7026

Invalid add position for task.

TaskOutlineLevelInvalid = 7027

Invalid task outline level.

TaskDurationFormatInvalid = 7028

Invalid task duration format.

TaskCannotAddWhereSpecified = 7029

Cannot add task where specified.

TaskEarnedValueMethodInvalid = 7030

Invalid method for task earned value.

TaskCannotModifyProjectSummary = 7031

Cannot modify project summary task.

TaskCannotDeleteProjectSummary = 7032

Cannot delete project summary task.

TaskCannotSetActualCost = 7033

Cannot set actual cost for task.

TaskLevelingDelayInvalid = 7034

Invalid leveling delay for task.

TaskCannotEditSummary = 7035

Cannot edit summary task.

TaskCannotCreateSubTasksUnderTasksWithAssignments = 7036

Cannot create subtasks under a task that has assignments.

TaskCannotDeleteSubProject = 7037

Cannot delete subproject for the task.

TaskCannotEditExternal = 7038

Cannot edit external task.

TaskCannotDeleteExternal = 7039

Cannot delete an external task.

TaskLinkCannotDeleteExternal = 7040

Cannot delete a link to an external task.

Table 25. Timesheet error codes

Timesheet error code


TimesheetMaxHourPerDayExceeded = 3201

Exceeded maximum hours per day for timesheet.

TimesheetHoursPerTSLimitExceeded = 3202

Exceeded the limit for number of hours in a timesheet.

TimesheetUnverifiedTSLineNotAllowed = 3203

An unverified timesheet line is not allowed in this case.

TimesheetIncorrectMode = 3204

Invalid timesheet mode.

TimesheetInvalidApprover = 3205

Invalid timesheet approver.

TimesheetFutureReportingNotAllowed = 3206

Reporting of future items not allowed for timesheet.

TimesheetIncorrectPeriod = 3208

Invalid timesheet period.

TimesheetPeriodClosed = 3209

Timesheet period closed.

TimesheetPendingLines = 3210

Timesheet lines are pending.

TimesheetInvalidDateRange = 3211

Invalid timesheet date range.

TimesheetLineClassDisabled = 3212

The timesheet line class is disabled.

TimesheetLineHasNonExistentItem = 3213

The timesheet line includes an item that doesn't exist.

Table 26. SharePoint integration error codes

SharePoint integration error code


WSSCreateSiteFailure = 16400

Failed to create SharePoint site for project workspace.

WSSCannotCreateWebWithBlankName = 16401

Cannot create SharePoint Web site with a blank name.

WSSWebAlreadyExists = 16402

The SharePoint Web site already exists.

WSSInvalidProjectUID = 16403

The project GUID is invalid for the SharePoint project workspace.

WSSProjectAlreadyHasSpWeb = 16404

The project already has a SharePoint workspace site.

WSSWebDoesNotExist = 16405

The SharePoint Web site does not exist.

WSSSpWebAlreadyLinkedToProject = 16406

The SharePoint Web site is already linked to a project.

WSSWebHierarchyDoesNotExist = 16407

The SharePoint Web hierarchy does not exist.

WSSSPWebHasChildren = 16408

The SharePoint Web has child Webs.

WSSURIInvalidFormat = 16409

Invalid format for SharePoint Web URI.

WSSSyncReportingDataFailed = 16410

Failed to synchronize reporting data for SharePoint.

WSSWorkspaceUrlPathTooLong = 16411

SharePoint project workspace URL path too long.

WSSWorkspaceNameContainsIllegalChars = 16412

Invalid characters in SharePoint project workspace name. The following characters are invalid in a project name: / " : < > | , . ' ? * #

WSSInvalidWssServerUid = 16413

Invalid SharePoint server GUID.

WSSSyncUsersFailed = 16414

Failed to synchronize Project Server users with SharePoint.

WSSWrongWebTemplateLCID = 16415

Invalid SharePoint Web template locale identifier (language ID).

WSSWrongWebTemplate = 16416

Invalid SharePoint Web template.

WSSWebCannotStartOrEndOnPeriod = 16418

A SharePoint Web name cannot start or end with a period.

WSSCannotDeleteSiteCollection = 16419

Cannot delete the Web site collection.

WSSOLPCreateLinkFailure = 18000

Failed to create link for the SharePoint object link provider.

WSSOLPDeleteWebObjectLinkError = 18001

Error deleting Web object link in the SharePoint object link provider.


To get a list of all errors that occur if you get an exception when you call a PSI method, pass the SoapException object to the Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library.PSClientError class constructor. You can then use GetAllErrors to store the error information in a PSErrorInfo array and enumerate the errors, as in the following example.


The PSErrorInfo object does not include all of the information you might need. For example, if you use Resource.CheckOutResources where one of the resources is already checked out, PSErrorInfo shows the reason for failure for each resource that cannot be checked out, but does not include the resource name or GUID. For a way to get more information, see CheckOutResources.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using PSLibrary = Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library;
. . .
    /* call a PSI method */
catch (SoapException ex)
    string errAttributeName;
    string errAttribute;
    string errMess = "".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\n" + "Error: " + "\r\n";

    PSLibrary.PSClientError error = new PSLibrary.PSClientError(ex);
    PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo[] errors = error.GetAllErrors();
    PSLibrary.PSErrorInfo thisError;

    for (int i = 0; i < errors.Length; i++)
        thisError = errors[i];
        errMess += "\n" + ex.Message.ToString() + "\r\n";
        errMess += "".PadRight(30, '=') + "\r\nPSCLientError Output:\r\n \r\n";
        errMess += thisError.ErrId.ToString() + "\n";

        for (int j = 0; j < thisError.ErrorAttributes.Length; j++)
            errAttributeName = thisError.ErrorAttributeNames()[j];
            errAttribute = thisError.ErrorAttributes[j];
            errMess += "\r\n\t" + errAttributeName +
                       ": " + errAttribute;
        errMess += "\r\n".PadRight(30, '=');
    MessageBox.Show(errMess, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

See Also




Project Server Programmability