
Message Service Implementation

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A message service is one or more related service providers grouped together for the purpose of simplifying installation and configuration. All service providers should be included in a message service.

To implement a message service with one or more providers, use the following procedure:

  1. Design the message service, determining the number and type of service providers to be included. For more information about how to design a message service, see Designing a Message Service.

  2. Create a setup program to install the service providers in the message service. For more information about writing a message service setup program, see Supporting Message Service Installation.

  3. Create an entry point function to perform configuration. For more information about writing a message service entry point function, see Supporting Message Service Configuration and MSGSERVICEENTRY.

  4. Create a public header file that contains the property tags and descriptions of valid values for any custom properties that the message service supports.

See Also


MAPI Service Providers