
Application.VisualReportsNewTemplate Method

Project Developer Reference

Creates a new Visual Report template for Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Visio.


expression.VisualReportsNewTemplate(PjVisualReportsTemplateType, PjVisualReportsCubeType, ReportAlLFields, PjVisualReportsDataLevel)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
PjVisualReportsTemplateType Optional Long Template type. Can be one of the PjVisualReportsTemplateType constants. Default is pjExcel.
PjVisualReportsCubeType Optional Long Cube type. Can be one of the PjVisualReportsCubeType constants. Default is pjTaskTP.
ReportAlLFields Optional Boolean If True, all noncustom fields are included in the report.
PjVisualReportsDataLevel Optional Long Data level. Can be one of the PjVisualReportsDataLevel constants. Default is pjLevelAutomatic.

Return Value


Setting the ReportAllFields parameter to True can degrade performance.

The PjVisualReportsDataLevel parameter specifies the level to which the timephased data can be accessed. For example, if pjLevelMonths (months) is specified, it not possible to access pjLevelDays (days).

See Also