
GroupCriteria Collection Object

Project Developer Reference

Contains a collection of GroupCriterion objects.


Using the GroupCriterion Object

Use GroupCriteria(Index), where Index is the criterion index, to return a single GroupCriterion object. The following example sets the cell color for the first criterion in the Standard Rate resource group to blue.

Visual Basic for Applications
  ActiveProject.ResourceGroups("Standard Rate").GroupCriteria(1).CellColor = pjBlue

Using the GroupCriteria Collection

Use the GroupCriteria property to return a GroupCriteria collection. The following example displays a list of the fields used as criteria in the specified task group and whether they are sorted in ascending or descending order.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim GC As GroupCriterion
Dim Fields As String

For Each GC In ActiveProject.TaskGroups("Priority Keeping Outline Structure").GroupCriteria If GC.Ascending = True Then Fields = Fields & GC.Index & ". " & GC.FieldName & " is sorted in ascending order." & vbCrLf Else Fields = Fields & GC.Index & ". " & GC.FieldName & " is sorted in descending order." & vbCrLf End If Next GC

MsgBox Fields

Use the Add method to add a GroupCriterion object to the GroupCriteria collection. The following example adds another criterion to the specified resource group, grouping resources in ascending order as determined by the percentage of their work (in 25-percent increments) that is complete.

Visual Basic for Applications
  ActiveProject.ResourceGroups("Response Pending").GroupCriteria.Add "% Work Complete", True, CellColor:=pjRed, GroupOn:=pjGroupOnPct1_25

See Also