
PjDateLabel Enumeration

Project Developer Reference

Constants specifying the display format for date and time labels in a timescale.


Name Value Description
pjDay_ddd 19 Examples: Mon, Tue. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleDays.
pjDay_ddd_dd 105 Examples: Mon 30, Tue 1
pjDay_ddd_m_dd 112 Examples: Mon S 30, Tue O 1
pjDay_ddd_mm_dd 108 Examples: Mon 9/30, Tue 10/1
pjDay_ddd_mm_dd_yy 52 Examples: Mon 9/30/02, Tue 10/1/02
pjDay_ddd_mmm_dd 23 Examples: Mon Sep 30, Tue Oct 1
pjDay_ddd_mmm_dd_yyy 22 Examples: Mon September 30 '02, Tue October 1 '02
pjDay_ddd_mmmm_dd 111 Examples: Mon September 30, Tue October 1
pjDay_dddd 18 Examples: Tuesday, Wednesday.
pjDay_ddi 119 Examples: Mo, Tu
pjDay_ddi_dd 106 Examples: Mo 30, Tu 1
pjDay_ddi_m_dd 113 Examples: Mo S 30, Tu O 1
pjDay_ddi_mm_dd 109 Examples: Mo 9/30, Tu 10/1
pjDay_di 20 Examples: M, T
pjDay_di_dd 107 Examples: M 30, T 1
pjDay_di_m_dd 114 Examples: M S 30, T O 1
pjDay_di_mm_dd 110 Examples: M 9/30, T 10/1
pjDay_didd 121 Examples: M30, T1
pjDay_m_dd 115 Examples: S 30, O 1
pjDay_mm_dd 27 Examples: 9/30, 10/1
pjDay_mm_dd_yy 26 Examples: 9/30/02, 10/1/02
pjDay_mmm_dd 25 Examples: Sep 30, Oct 1
pjDay_mmm_dd_yyy 24 Examples: Sep 30 '02, Oct 10 '02
pjDayFromEnd_Day_dd 41 Examples: Day 2, Day 1, Day -1, Day -2 from the project end.
pjDayFromEnd_dd 54 Examples: 2, 1, -1, -2
pjDayFromEnd_Ddd 53 Examples: D2, D1, D-1, D-2
pjDayFromStart_Day_dd 40 Examples: Day -2, Day -1, Day 1, Day 2 from the project start.
pjDayFromStart_dd 56 Examples: -2, -1, 1, 2
pjDayFromStart_Ddd 55 Examples: D-2, D-1, D1, D2
pjDayOfMonth_dd 21 Examples: 30, 1
pjDayOfYear_dd 118 Examples: 77, 78
pjDayOfYear_dd_yyy 116 Examples: 77 '10, 78 '10
pjDayOfYear_dd_yyyy 117 Examples: 77 2010, 78 2010
pjHalfYear_h 128 Examples: 1, 2. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleHalfYears.
pjHalfYear_Hh 127 Examples: H1, H2
pjHalfYear_Hh_yyy 126 Examples: H1 '10, H2 '10
pjHalfYear_hhh_Half 123 Examples: 1st Half, 2nd Half
pjHalfYear_hHyy 129 Examples: 1H10, 2H10
pjHalfYear_Hlf_h 125 Examples: Half 1, Half 2
pjHalfYear_Hlf_h_yyyy 124 Examples: Half 1, 2010; Half 2, 2010
pjHalfYearFromEnd_h 135 Examples:
pjHalfYearFromEnd_Half_h 133 Examples: 2, 1, -1, -2. Half years from the project end date.
pjHalfYearFromEnd_Hh 134 Examples: Half 2, Half 1, Half -1, Half -2
pjHalfYearFromStart_h 132 Examples: -2, -1, 1, 2. Half years from the project start date.
pjHalfYearFromStart_Half_h 130 Examples: Half -2, Half -1, Half 1, Half 2
pjHalfYearFromStart_Hh 131 Examples: H-2, H-1, H1, H2
pjHour_ddd_mmm_dd_hhAM 28 Examples: Wed Mar 18, 8 AM; Wed Mar 18, 9 AM. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleHours.
pjHour_hh 32 Examples: 8, 9, 10, 11
pjHour_hh_mmAM 30 Examples: 8:00 AM, 9:00 AM
pjHour_hhAM 31 Examples: 8AM, 9AM
pjHour_mm_dd_hhAM 120 Examples: 3/18 8 AM, 3/18 9 AM
pjHour_mmm_dd_hhAM 29 Examples: Mar 18, 8 AM; Mar 18, 9 AM
pjHourFromEnd_hh 77 Examples: 3, 2, 1, -1, -2 hours from the project end.
pjHourFromEnd_Hhh 76 Examples: H3, H2, H1, H-1, H-2
pjHourFromEnd_Hour_hh 39 Examples: Hour 3, Hour 2, Hour 1, Hour -1, Hour -2
pjHourFromStart_hh 79 Examples: -2, -1, 1, 2, 3 hours from the project start.
pjHourFromStart_Hhh 78 Examples: H-2, H-1, H1, H2, H3
pjHourFromStart_Hour_hh 38 Examples: Hour -2, Hour -1, Hour 1, Hour 2, Hour 3
pjMinute_hh_mmAM 33 Examples: 8:00 AM, 8:01 AM, 8:02 AM. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleMinutes.
pjMinute_mm 34 Examples: 0, 1, 2, ..., 59 minutes
pjMinuteFromEnd_Minute_mm 37 Examples: Minute 181, Minute 180, ..., Minute 1, Minute -1 from the project end.
pjMinuteFromEnd_mm 81 Examples: 181, 180, ..., 1, -1
pjMinuteFromEnd_Mmm 80 Examples: M181, M180, ..., M1, M-1
pjMinuteFromStart_Minute_mm 36 Examples: Minute -2, Minute -1, Minute 1, ... Minute 180 from the project start.
pjMinuteFromStart_mm 83 Examples: -2, -1, 1, ..., 180
pjMinuteFromStart_Mmm 82 Examples: M-2, M-1, M1, ..., M180
pjMonth_m 11 Examples: M, A, M, J, J. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleMonths.
pjMonth_mm 57 Examples: 11, 12, 1, 2
pjMonth_mm_yy 86 Examples: 3/10, 4/10, 5/10
pjMonth_mm_yyy 85 Examples: 3 '10, 4 '10, 5 '10
pjMonth_mmm 10 Examples: Mar, Apr, May
pjMonth_mmm_yyy 8 Examples: Mar '10, Apr '10, May '10
pjMonth_mmmm 9 Examples: March, April, May
pjMonth_mmmm_yyyy 7 Examples: March 2010, April 2010, May 2010
pjMonthFromEnd_mm 59 Examples: 2, 1, -1, -2 months from the project end.
pjMonthFromEnd_Mmm 58 Examples: M2, M1, M-1, M-2
pjMonthFromEnd_Month_mm 45 Examples: Month 2, Month 1, Month -1, Month -2
pjMonthFromStart_mm 61 Examples: -2, -2, 1, 2 months from the project start.
pjMonthFromStart_Mmm 60 Examples: M-2, M-1, M1, M2
pjMonthFromStart_Month_mm 44 Examples: Month -2, Month -1, Month 1, Month 2
pjQuarter_q 62 Examples: 3, 4, 1. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleQuarters.
pjQuarter_Qq 6 Examples: Q3, Q4, Q1
pjQuarter_Qq_yyy 4 Examples: Q3 '10, Q4 '10, Q1 '11
pjQuarter_qqq_Quarter 2 Examples: 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter, 1st Quarter
pjQuarter_qQyy 51 Examples: 3Q10, 4Q10, 1Q11
pjQuarter_Qtr_q 5 Examples: Qtr 3, Qtr 4, Qtr1
pjQuarter_Qtr_q_yyyy 3 Examples: Qtr3, 2010; Qtr4, 2010; Qtr1, 2011
pjQuarterFromEnd_q 64 Examples: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, -1 quarters from the project end.
pjQuarterFromEnd_Qq 63 Examples: Q5, Q4, Q3, Q2, Q1, Q-1
pjQuarterFromEnd_Quarter_q 47 Examples: Quarter 5, Quarter 4, Quarter 3, Quarter 2, Quarter 1, Quarter -1
pjQuarterFromStart_q 66 Examples: -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1 quarters from the project start.
pjQuarterFromStart_Qq 65 Examples: Q-5, Q-4, Q-3, Q-2, Q-1, Q1
pjQuarterFromStart_Quarter_q 46 Examples: Quarter -5, Quarter -4, Quarter -3, Quarter -2, Quarter -1, Quarter 1
pjThirdsOfMonths_dd 136 Examples: 1, 11, 21, 1. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleThirdsOfMonths.
pjThirdsOfMonths_ddd 137 Examples: B, M, E, B
pjThirdsOfMonths_dddd 138 Examples: Beginning, Middle, End, Beginning
pjThirdsOfMonths_mm_dd 139 Examples: 3/1, 3/11, 3/21, 4/1
pjThirdsOfMonths_mm_dd_yy 145 Examples: 3/1/10, 3/11/10, 3/21/10, 4/1/10
pjThirdsOfMonths_mm_ddd 140 Examples: 3/B, 3/M, 3/E, 4/B
pjThirdsOfMonths_mm_ddd_yy 146 Examples: 3/B/10, 3/M/10, 3/E/10, 4/B/10
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmm_dd 142 Examples: Mar 1, Mar 11, Mar 21, Apr 1
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmm_dd_yy 147 Examples: Mar 1, '10; Mar 11, '10; Mar 21, '10; Apr 1, 10
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmm_ddd 143 Examples: Mar B, Mar M, Mar E, Apr B
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmm_ddd_yy 148 Examples: Mar B, '10; Mar M, '10; Mar E, '10; Apr B '10
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmmm_dd 144 Examples: March 1, March 11, March 21, April 1
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmmm_dd_yyyy 149 Examples: March 1, 2010; March 11, 2010; March 21, 2010; April 1, 2010
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmmm_dddd 141 Examples: March Beginning, March Middle, March End, April Beginning
pjThirdsOfMonths_mmmm_dddd_yyyy 150 Examples: March Beginning, 2010; March Middle, 2010; March End, 2010; April Beginning, 2010
pjWeek_ddd_dd 88 Examples: Sun 21, Sun 28, Sun 4. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleWeeks.
pjWeek_ddd_m_dd 97 Examples: Sun M 21, Sun M 28, Sun A 4
pjWeek_ddd_mm_dd 90 Examples: Sun 3/21, Sun 3/28, Sun 4/4
pjWeek_ddd_mm_dd_yy 100 Examples: Sun 3/21/10, Sun 3/28/10, Sun 4/4/10
pjWeek_ddd_mmm_dd 93 Examples: Sun Mar 21, Sun Mar 28, Sun Apr 4
pjWeek_ddd_mmm_dd_yyy 101 Examples: Sun Mar 21, '10; Sun Mar 28, '10; Sun Apr 4, '10
pjWeek_ddd_mmmm_dd 96 Examples: Sun Mar 21, Sun March 28, Sun Apr 4
pjWeek_ddd_mmmm_dd_yyy 102 Examples: Sun Mar 21, '10; Sun March 28, '10; Sun Apr 4, '10
pjWeek_ddd_ww 103 Examples: Sun 12, Sun 13, Sun 14
pjWeek_ddi_m_dd 98 Examples: Sun M 21, Sun M 28, Sun A 4
pjWeek_ddi_mm_dd 91 Examples: Su 3/21. Su 3/28, Su 4/4
pjWeek_ddi_mmm_dd 94 Examples: Su Mar 21, Su Mar 28, Su Apr 4
pjWeek_di_m_dd 99 Examples: S M 21, S M 28, S A 4
pjWeek_di_mm_dd 92 Examples: S 3/21, S 3/28, S 4/4
pjWeek_di_mmm_dd 95 Examples: S Mar 21, S Mar 28, S Apr 4
pjWeek_m_dd 89 Examples: M21, M28, A 4
pjWeek_mm_dd 17 Examples: 3/21, 3/28, 4/4
pjWeek_mm_dd_yy 16 Examples: 3/21/10. 3/28/10, 4/4/10
pjWeek_mmm_dd 15 Examples: Mar 21, Mar 28, Apr 4
pjWeek_mmm_dd_yyy 13 Examples: Mar 21, '10; Mar 28, '10; Apr 4, '10
pjWeek_mmmm_dd 14 Examples: March 21, March 28, April 4
pjWeek_mmmm_dd_yyyy 12 Examples: March 21, 2010; March 28, 2010; April 4, 2010
pjWeekDayOfMonth_dd 87 Examples: 21, 28, 4
pjWeekFromEnd_Week_ww 43 Examples: Week 2, Week 1, Week -1 from the project end.
pjWeekFromEnd_ww 68 Examples: 2, 1, -1
pjWeekFromEnd_Www 67 Examples: W2, W1, W-1
pjWeekFromStart_Week_ww 42 Examples: Week -1, Week 1, Week 2 from the project start.
pjWeekFromStart_ww 70 Examples: -1, 1, 2
pjWeekFromStart_Www 69 Examples: W-1, W1, W2
pjWeekNumber_dd_ww 104 Examples: 1 12, 1 13, 1 14 (day 1 of week 12, day 1 of week 13, and so forth)
pjWeekNumber_ww 50 Examples: 12, 13, 14
pjYear_yy 75 Examples: 10, 11, 12. Requires the time unit to be pjTimescaleYears.
pjYear_yyy 1 Examples: '10, '11, '12
pjYear_yyyy 0 Examples: 2010, 2011, 2012
pjYearFromEnd_Year_yy 49 Examples: Year 2, Year 1, Year -1 from the project end.
pjYearFromEnd_yy 72 Examples: 2, 1, -1
pjYearFromEnd_Yyy 71 Examples: Y2, Y1, Y-1
pjYearFromStart_Year_yy 48 Examples: Year -1, Year 1, Year 2 from the project start.
pjYearFromStart_yy 74 Examples: -1, 1, 2
pjYearFromStart_Yyy 73 Examples: Y-1, Y1, Y2


The TimescaleEdit method can use the PjDateLabel enumeration in the




, and


parameters, if the time unit of the specified timescale tier is compatible with the time range of the label. For example, if the time unit of the bottom tier is hours, the parameter value MinorLabel:=PjDateLabel.pjHour_hhAM is valid. However, the parameter value MinorLabel:=PjDateLabel.pjHalfYear_hhh_Half results in a run time error of 1101: "The argument value is not valid."

Members in the following enumerations can be used in place of related members in PjDateLabel, because they have the same values.