
Task.Rollup Property

Project Developer Reference

True if the dates of a subtask appear on its corresponding summary task bar. This property must be True on the summary task as well as the subtasks for the rollup to occur. Read/write Variant.



expression   A variable that represents a Task object.

The following example sets the "Rollup" property to "True" for milestone tasks, and "False" for other tasks in the active project.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub DisplayMilestonesInSummaryBars()
Dim T As Task        ' Task object used in For Each loop

' Cycle through tasks in active project.
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
    ' If task is a milestone or a summary, set its Rollup property to True.
    If T.Summary Or T.Milestone Then
        T.<strong class="bterm">Rollup</strong> = True
    ' If task isn't a summary task or milestone, set its Rollup property to False.
        T.Rollup = False
    End If
Next T

End Sub

See Also