
Document.CheckIn Method

Word Developer Reference

Returns a document from a local computer to a server, and sets the local document to read-only so that it cannot be edited locally.


expression.CheckIn(SaveChanges, MakePublic, Comments, VersionType)

expression   Required. A variable that represents a Document object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
SaveChanges Optional Boolean True saves the document to the server location. The default is True.
MakePublic Optional Boolean True allows the user to perform a publish on the document after being checked in. This submits the document for the approval process, which can eventually result in a version of the document being published to users with read-only rights to the document (only applies if SaveChanges equals True).
Comments Optional Variant Comments for the revision of the document being checked in (only applies if SaveChanges equals True).
VersionType Optional Variant Specifies versioning information for the document.


To take advantage of the collaboration features built into Microsoft Office Word, documents must be stored on a Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server.


This example checks the server to see if the specified document can be checked in. If it can be, it saves and closes the document and checks it back into the server.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub CheckInOut(docCheckIn As String)
    If Documents(docCheckIn).CanCheckin = True Then
        MsgBox docCheckIn & " has been checked in."
        MsgBox "This file cannot be checked in " &
        "at this time.  Please try again later."
    End If
End Sub

To call the CheckInOut subroutine, use the following subroutine and replace "http://servername/workspace/report.doc" with the file name of an actual file located on the server mentioned in the Remarks section above.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub CheckDocInOut()
    Call CheckInOut (docCheckIn:="http://servername/workspace/report.doc")
End Sub

See Also