
Application.OptionsSave Method

Project Developer Reference

Sets save options.


expression.OptionsSave(DefaultSaveFormat, DefaultProjectsPath, DefaultUserTemplatesPath, DefaultWorkgroupTemplatesPath, ExpandDatabaseTimephasedData, AutomaticSave, AutomaticSaveInterval, AutomaticSaveOptions, AutomaticSavePrompt, SetDefaultsDatabase)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
DefaultSaveFormat Optional String Specifies the default format when saving a file. Can be one of the following strings: "MSProject.mpp", "MSProject.mpt", "MSProject.mpd", or "MSProject.mdb9".
DefaultProjectsPath Optional String Specifies the default location for Microsoft Office Project 2007 files.
DefaultUserTemplatesPath Optional String Specifies the default location for user templates.
DefaultWorkgroupTemplatesPath Optional String Specifies the default location for workgroup templates.
ExpandDatabaseTimephasedData Optional Boolean True if timephased data should be expanded to a readable format when saving to a database. False if timephased data should remain in a compressed binary format. The default value is False.
AutomaticSave Optional Boolean True if Microsoft Office Project 2007 automatically saves files.
AutomaticSaveInterval Optional Long Specifies how often (in minutes) Office Project 2007 automatically saves.
AutomaticSaveOptions Optional Long Specifies if Office Project 2007 saves only the active file or all changed files. Can be one of the following PjAutomaticSaveOptions constants.
AutomaticSavePrompt Optional Boolean True if alerts display when automatically saving files.
SetDefaultsDatabase Optional Boolean True if the value specified in the Database save options section, found on the Save tab of the Options dialog box, is used as the default value for new projects. The default value is False.

Return Value


If an argument is omitted, its default value is specified by the current setting on the Save tab of the Options dialog box. Using the OptionsSave method without specifying any arguments brings up the Options dialog box with the Save tab selected.

The following example turns off the automatic saving feature.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub Options_Save()
    OptionsSave AutomaticSave:=False 
End Sub

See Also