
Application.ViewEditCombination Method

Project Developer Reference

Creates, edits, or copies a combination view.


expression.ViewEditCombination(Name, Create, NewName, TopView, BottomView, ShowInMenu)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Name Optional String The name of a two-pane view to edit, create, or copy. The default is the name of the active view.
Create Optional Boolean True if Microsoft Office Project 2007 should create a new two-pane view. If NewName is Empty, the new view is given the name specified with Name. Otherwise, the new view is a copy of the view specified with Name and is given the name specified with NewName. The default value is False.
NewName Optional String A new name for the view specified with Name (Create is False) or a name for the new view just created (Create is True). If NewName is Empty and Create is False, the view specified with Name retains its current name. The default value is False.
TopView Optional String The name of the view to display in the upper pane. The view specified by Name will display in the lower pane.
BottomView Optional String The name of the view to display in the lower pane. The view specified by Name will display in the upper pane.
ShowInMenu Optional Boolean True if the view name appears on the View menu. The default value is False.

Return Value

The following example creates a new combination view with the Resource Sheet in the upper pane and the Resource Graph in the lower pane.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub CheckResourcesView()
    ViewEditCombination Name:="Check Resources View", Create:=True, _
        TopView:="Resource Sheet", BottomView:="Resource Graph"
End Sub

See Also