Returns or sets the initials of a resource. Read/write String.
expression A variable that represents a Resource object.
The following example sets the initials of each resource in the active project according to the spaces in the resource's name. For example, a resource called "Glue Gun" receives the initials "GG."
Visual Basic for Applications
Sub SetInitialsBasedOnName()
Dim I As Integer ' Index used in For loop
Dim R As Resource ' Resource used in For Each loop
Dim NewInits As String ' The new initials of the resource
' Cycle through the resources of the active project.
For Each R In ActiveProject.Resources
' Initialize with first character of name.
NewInits = Mid(R.Name, 1, 1)
' Look for spaces in the resource's name.
For I = 1 To Len(R.Name)
' If not first character, and space is found, then add initial.
If I > 1 And Mid(R.Name, I, 1) = Chr(32) Then
If I + 1 <= Len(R.Name) Then
NewInits = NewInits & Mid(R.Name, I + 1, 1)
End If
End If
Next I
' Give the resource its new initials.
R.<strong class="bterm">Initials</strong> = NewInits
Next R