
Application.ResourceWindowsAccount Method

Project Developer Reference

Sets the security identifier for Microsoft Windows NT Authentication for the selected resource(s), based upon a Microsoft Exchange Server Address Book. This method is only available in resource views.


expression.ResourceWindowsAccount(Name, ShowDialog)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Name Optional String The name of a resource for whom a security identifier is to be obtained. If an exact match is not found, the mail system will bring up the Check Names dialog box for manual selection. If Name is not specified, security identifier(s) will be obtained for the selected resource(s).
ShowDialog Optional Boolean True if the user is prompted to confirm adding the security identifier to the Windows User Account field for each resource specified with Name. The default value is True.

Return Value


For computers running Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98, the ResourceWindowsAccount method returns a trappable error (error code 1100) if the URL for the Project Server has not been specified.

If the optional Security Identifier field in the Address Book is blank, the ResourceWindowsAccount method has no effect.

See Also