
Application.OptionsGeneral Method

Project Developer Reference

Sets general options.


expression.OptionsGeneral(PlanningWizard, WizardUsage, WizardErrors, WizardScheduling, ShowTipOfDay, AutoAddResources, StandardRate, OvertimeRate, LastFile, SummaryInfo, UserName, SetDefaults, ShowWelcome, AutoFilter, MacroVirusProtection, DisplayRecentFiles, RecentFilesMaximum, FontConversion, ShowStartupWorkpane, MaxUndoRecords)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
PlanningWizard Optional Boolean True if the Planning Wizard is active.
WizardUsage Optional Boolean True if the Planning Wizard displays tips about using Project more effectively.
WizardErrors Optional Boolean True if the Planning Wizard displays messages about errors.
WizardScheduling Optional Boolean True if the Planning Wizard displays messages about scheduling problems.
ShowTipOfDay Optional Because of changes in the Project object model, this argument no longer has an effect. It has been retained for backward compatibility.
AutoAddResources Optional Boolean True if resources are automatically added to the resource pool.
StandardRate Optional Variant The default standard pay rate for resources.
OvertimeRate Optional Variant The default overtime pay rate for resources.
LastFile Optional Boolean True if the last opened file is automatically opened when Project starts.
SummaryInfo Optional Boolean True if the Project Information dialog box appears when a new project is created.
UserName Optional String The name of the current user.
SetDefaults Optional Boolean True if the values of AutoAddResources, StandardRate, and OvertimeRate are used as default values for new projects.
ShowWelcome Optional Because of changes in the Project object model, this argument no longer has an effect. It has been retained for backward compatibility.
AutoFilter Optional Boolean True if the AutoFilter is active.
MacroVirusProtection Optional Because of changes in the Project object model, this argument no longer has an effect. It has been retained for backward compatibility.
DisplayRecentFiles Optional Boolean True if a list of recently used files appears on the File menu.
RecentFilesMaximum Optional Integer The maximum number of recently used files to display on the File menu. Can be a number from 0 to 9. Setting RecentFilesMaximum to 0 also sets DisplayRecentFiles to False.
FontConversion Optional Boolean True if the font automatically changes when opening a file that uses a font that cannot display native characters. The FontConversion argument is ignored unless an East Asian version of Project is used.
ShowStartupWorkpane Optional Boolean True if the File New sidepane is displayed at startup. The default value is True.
MaxUndoRecords Optional Variant

Return Value

See Also