
Templates Collection Object

Word Developer Reference

A collection of Template objects that represent all the templates that are currently available. This collection includes open templates, templates attached to open documents, and global templates loaded in the Templates and Add-ins dialog box.


Use the Templates property to return the Templates collection. The following example displays the path and file name of each template in the Templates collection.

Visual Basic for Applications
  For Each aTemp In Templates
    MsgBox aTemp.FullName
Next aTemp

The Add method isn't available for the Templates collection. Instead, you can add a template to the Templates collection by doing any of the following:

  • Using the Open method with the Documents collection to open a document based on a template or a template
  • Using the Add method with the Documents collection to open a new document based on a template
  • Using the Add method with the Addins collection to load a global template
  • Using the AttachedTemplate property with the Document object to attach a template to a document

Use Templates(Index), where Index is the template name or the index number, to return a single Template object. The following example saves the Dot1.dot template.

Visual Basic for Applications

The index number represents the position of the template in the Templates collection. The following example displays the file name of the first template in the Templates collection.

Visual Basic for Applications
  MsgBox Templates(1).FullName

Use the NormalTemplate property to return a template object that refers to the Normal template. Use the AttachedTemplate property to return the template attached to the specified document.

Use the DefaultFilePath property to determine the location of user or workgroup templates (that is, the folder where you want to store these templates). The following example displays the user template folder from the File Locations tab in the Options dialog box.

Visual Basic for Applications
  MsgBox Options.DefaultFilePath(wdUserTemplatePath)

See Also