
Task.StartVariance Property

Project Developer Reference

Returns the variance (in minutes) between the baseline start date and the start date of an assignment or task. Read-only Variant.



expression   A variable that represents a Task object.

Return Value

The following example displays the number of tasks in the active project that have started late.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub CountLateTasks()
Dim T As Task               ' Task object used in For Each loop
Dim LateTasks As Integer    ' The number of late tasks

LateTasks = 0

' Look for late tasks in the active project.
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
    If T.BaselineStart &lt; ActiveProject.CurrentDate And T.<strong class="bterm">StartVariance</strong> &gt; 0 Then
        LateTasks = LateTasks + 1
    End If
Next T

MsgBox "There are " &amp; LateTasks &amp; " late tasks in this project."

End Sub

See Also