
Assignment.ActualFinish Property

Project Developer Reference

Returns or sets the actual finish date of an assignment or task. Read-only for summary tasks. Read/write Variant.



expression   A variable that represents an Assignment object.

Return Value

The following example prompts the user to set the actual finish dates of tasks in the active project.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub SetActualFinishForTasks()
Dim T As Task           ' Task object used in For Each loop
Dim Entry As String     ' User's entry

For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
    ' Loop until user enters a date or clicks Cancel.
    Do While 1
        Entry = InputBox$("Enter the actual finish date for " & _
            T.Name & ":")

        If IsDate(Entry) Or Entry = Empty Then
            Exit Do
            MsgBox ("You didn't enter a date; try again.")
        End If

    'If user didn't click Cancel, set the task's actual finish date.
    If Entry <> Empty Then
        T.<strong class="bterm">ActualFinish</strong> = Entry
    End If

Next T

End Sub

See Also