
Year Object

Project Developer Reference

Represents a year in a calendar. The Year object is a member of the Years collection.

Using the Year Object

Use Years(Index), where Index is the year index number, to return a single Year object. The following example counts the number of working days in the month of September 2002 for each selected resource.

  Dim R As Resource, D As Integer, WorkingDays As Integer

For Each R In ActiveSelection.Resources() WorkingDays = 0 With R.Calendar.Years(2002).Months(pjSeptember) For D = 1 To .Days.Count If .Days(D).Working = True Then WorkingDays = WorkingDays + 1 End If Next D End With MsgBox "There are " & WorkingDays & " working days in " _ & R.Name & "'s calendar." Next R

Using the Years Collection

Use the Years property to return a Years collection. The following example lists all the years in the calendar of the active project.

  Dim C As Long, Temp As String
For C = 1 To ActiveProject.Calendar.Years.Count
    Temp = Temp & ListSeparator & " " & _
        ActiveProject.Calendar.Years(C + 1983).Name
Next C
MsgBox Right$(Temp, Len(Temp) - Len(ListSeparator & " "))


The Years collection in Microsoft Office Project 2007 begins at 1984 and ends at 2049.

See Also