
Application.EditPasteSpecial Method

Project Developer Reference

Copies or links data from the Clipboard into the active selection.


expression.EditPasteSpecial(Link, Type, DisplayAsIcon)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Link Optional Boolean True if the data is linked to its source application.
Type Optional Integer A numeric value specifying the type of object to paste or link. The Type argument can be one of the PjPasteSpecialType constants.
DisplayAsIcon Optional Boolean True if the object appears as an icon.

Return Value

The following example pastes the Clipboard content as a picture.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub Edit_PasteSpecial()

'Activate Gantt Chart view ViewApply Name:="&Gantt Chart"

SelectRow Row:=2, RowRelative:=False
<strong class="bterm">EditPasteSpecial</strong> Link:=False, Type:=pjPicture, DisplayAsIcon:=False

End Sub

See Also