
Task.LinkPredecessors Method

Project Developer Reference

Adds predecessors to a task.


expression.LinkPredecessors(Tasks, Link, Lag)

expression   A variable that represents a Task object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Tasks Required Object The Task or Tasks object specified becomes a predecessor of the task specified with expression.
Link Optional Long A constant that specifies the relationship between tasks that become linked. Can be one of the PjTaskLinkType constants. The default value is pjFinishToStart.
Lag Optional Variant A string that specifies the duration of lag time between linked tasks. To specify lead time between tasks, use an expression for Lag that evaluates to a negative value.

The following example prompts the user for the name of a task and then makes the task a predecessor of the selected tasks.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub LinkTasksFromPredecessor()
Dim Entry As String     ' Task name entered by user
Dim T As Task           ' Task object used in For Each loop
Dim I As Long           ' Used in For loop
Dim Exists As Boolean   ' Whether or not the task exists

Entry = InputBox$("Enter the name of a task:")

Exists = False          ' Assume task doesn't exist.

' Search active project for the specified task.
For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks
    If T.Name = Entry Then
        Exists = True
        ' Make the task a predecessor of the selected tasks.
        For I = 1 To ActiveSelection.Tasks.Count
        ActiveSelection.Tasks(I).<strong class="bterm">LinkPredecessors</strong> Tasks:=T
        Next I
    End If
Next T

' If task doesn't exist, display error and quit Sub procedure.
If Not Exists Then
    MsgBox ("Task not found.")
    Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

See Also