
Application.BoxLayout Method

Project Developer Reference

Specifies the layout of boxes in the active Network Diagram.


expression.BoxLayout(LayoutMode, LayoutScheme, SummaryPrecedence, RowAlignment, ColumnAlignment, RowSpacing, ColumnSpacing, RowHeight, ColumnWidth, AdjustForPageBreaks, ShowSummaryTasks, ViewBackgroundColor, ViewBackgroundPattern, ShowProgressMarks, ShowPageBreaks, ShowIDOnly)

expression   A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
LayoutMode Optional Long Specifies whether the layout of boxes is controlled automatically or by the user, either with the LayoutNow method or through the interface. Can be one of the following PjLayoutMode constants: pjLayoutAutomatic or pjLayoutManual.
LayoutScheme Optional Long Specifies box alignment within each row. Can be one of the following PjVerticalAlignment constants: pjTop, pjMiddle, or pjBottom.
ColumnAlignment Optional Long The height of each row of boxes. Can be one of the following PjRowColSize constants: pjSizeBestFit or pjSizeFixed.
ColumnWidth Optional Long The color of the background. Can be one of the PjColor constants.
ViewBackgroundPattern Optional Long The pattern used for the background. Can be one of the PjBackgroundPattern constants.
ShowProgressMarks Optional Boolean True if tasks in progress are marked with a diagonal line from the upper-left corner of the box to the lower-right corner and completed tasks are marked with an additional diagonal line from the upper-right corner of the box to the lower-left corner. False if the progress of tasks is not marked.
ShowPageBreaks Optional Boolean True if page breaks display in the Network Diagram.
ShowIDOnly Optional Boolean True if only task ID numbers are displayed. False if all the task data fields in Network Diagram boxes are displayed.

Return Value


Using the BoxLayout method without specifying any arguments displays the Box Layout dialog box.

This example returns the layout of boxes on the active Network Diagram to the default settings.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub ReturnToDefault()
    Application.BoxLayout LayoutMode:=pjLayoutManual, LayoutScheme:=pjLayoutTopDownFromLeft, _
        SummaryPrecedence:=False, RowAlignment:=pjCenter, ColumnAlignment:=pjMiddle, RowSpacing:=45, _
            ColumnSpacing:=60, RowHeight:=pjSizeBestFit, ColumnWidth:=pjSizeBestFit, AdjustForPageBreaks:=True, _
                ShowSummaryTasks:=True, ViewBackgroundColor:=pjWhite, ViewBackgroundPattern:=pjBackgroundSolidFill, _
                    ShowProgressMarks:=False, ShowPageBreaks:=True, ShowIDOnly:=False
End Sub

See Also