
Envelope.DefaultPrintBarCode Property

Word Developer Reference

True if a POSTNET bar code is added to envelopes by default. Read/write Boolean. For U.S. mail only.

Bb179321.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note

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expression   A variable that represents an Envelope object.


This property must be set to True before the DefaultPrintFIMA property is set.


This example sets the default envelope settings to include a bar code and a Facing Identification Mark (FIM-A).

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActiveDocument.Envelope
    .DefaultPrintBarCode = True
    .DefaultPrintFIMA = True
End With

This example displays the bar code status in a message box.

Visual Basic for Applications
  If ActiveDocument.Envelope.DefaultPrintBarCode = False Then
    MsgBox "A bar code is not included by default"
    MsgBox "A bar code is included by default"
End If

See Also