
Assignments.Add Method

Project Developer Reference

Adds an Assignment object to Assignments collection.


expression.Add(TaskID, ResourceID, Units)

expression   A variable that represents an Assignments object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
TaskID Optional Long The identification number of a task. Required if the parent object is a resource. The task is assigned the resource specified with ResourceID. The default value of TaskID is the identification number of the parent object of the Assignments collection if the parent object is a Task object.
ResourceID Optional Long The identification number of a resource. Required if the parent object is a task. The resource is assigned the task specified with the TaskID argument. The default value of ResourceID is the identification number of the parent object of the Assignments collection if the parent object is a Resource object.
Units Optional Variant The number of resource units, expressed as a decimal or percentage, to assign to the task. The default value is 1 or 100%, depending upon the Show assignment units as a setting on the Schedule tab of the Options dialog box. If the maximum number of units is less than 1 (or the maximum percentage is less than 100%), the default value of the Units argument is the maximum number of units (or the maximum percentage).

Return Value

See Also