
ControlTypeFromID Property [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]


Control Constant Description
C_TYPE_ACTIVEX Specifies an ActiveX control.
C_TYPE_BUTTON Specifies a command button.
C_TYPE_CHECKBOX Specifies a check box.
C_TYPE_COMBO Specifies a combo box.
C_TYPE_DOCUMENTFRAGMENT Specifies a document fragment control that provides content by using a hard-coded string within the smart document code.
C_TYPE_DOCUMENTFRAGMENTURL Specifies a document fragment control that is contained in an external file.
C_TYPE_HELP Specifies a help control that provides content by using a hard-coded string within the smart document code.
C_TYPE_HELPURL Specifies a help control that is contained in an external file.
C_TYPE_IMAGE Specifies an image control.
C_TYPE_LABEL Specifies a label control.
C_TYPE_LINK Specifies a link control.
C_TYPE_LISTBOX Specifies a list box control.
C_TYPE_RADIOGROUP Specifies a radio group control.
C_TYPE_SEPARATOR Specifies a separator line control.
C_TYPE_TEXTBOX Specifies a text box control.

Applies to



[Visual Basic 6.0]

Private Property Get ISmartDocument_ControlTypeFromID(ByVal ControlID As Long, ByVal ApplicationName As String, ByVal LocaleID As Long) As SmartTagLib.C_TYPE

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public ReadOnly Property ControlTypeFromID(ByVal ControlID As Integer, ByVal ApplicationName As String, ByVal LocaleID As Integer) As Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.C_TYPE Implements Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.ISmartDocument.ControlTypeFromID


public Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.C_TYPE ISmartDocument.get_ControlTypeFromID(int ControlID, string ApplicationName, int LocaleID)

[Visual C++ 6.0]

STDMETHOD(get_ControlTypeFromID)(INT ControlID, BSTR ApplicationName, INT LocaleID, C_TYPE * Type)

[Visual C++ .NET]

STDMETHOD(get_ControlTypeFromID)(int ControlID, BSTR ApplicationName, int LocaleID, C_TYPE * Type)


ControlID   Represents the ID number assigned to a control in the ControlID property.

ApplicationName   Specifies the name of the application. You can use the ApplicationName parameter to customize a single smart document DLL to provide smart document actions in multiple Microsoft Office applications.

LocaleID   Represents the language setting of the application. You can use the LocaleID parameter to specify different actions for multiple languages in a smart document.