
Contact Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a contact in Microsoft Exchange Server.

The Contact type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Contact() Initializes a new instance of the Contact class.
Public method Contact(ADContact) Initializes a new instance of the Contact class with a contact object in Active Directory.



  Name Description
Public property AllowUMCallsFromNonUsers Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to exclude the person from directory searches. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property AssistantName Gets or sets the name of the person’s assistant. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property City Gets or sets the city of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Protected property CloneableEnabledStateProperties Gets the list of properties on the presentation object marked with a ProvisionalCloneEnabledState attribute. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Protected property CloneableOnceProperties Gets the list of properties on the presentation object that can be cloned only one time. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Protected property CloneableProperties Gets the list of cloneable properties on the presentation object. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Public property Company Gets or sets the company of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property CountryOrRegion Gets or sets the country or region of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property Department Gets or sets the department of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property DirectReports Gets the list of users who directly report to the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property DisplayName Gets or sets the name of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property DistinguishedName Gets the distinguished name for the object. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property ExchangeVersion Gets the version of Microsoft Exchange that this object is associated with. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property Fax Gets or sets the fax number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property FirstName Gets or sets the first name of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property Guid Gets the unique identifier for this object. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property HomePhone Gets or sets the home telephone number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property Identity (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property Initials Gets or sets the initials for the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property IsValid Gets a value that indicates whether the presentation object is valid. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Public property LastName Gets or sets the surname of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property Manager Gets or sets the manager of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property MobilePhone Gets or sets the primary mobile phone number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property Name Gets or sets the name associated with this object. (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property Notes Gets or sets additional information about the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property ObjectCategory (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property ObjectClass (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property Office Gets or sets the physical office name or number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property OrganizationalUnit Gets the Organization Unit (OU) of the contact.
Public property OrganizationId (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property OriginatingServer (Inherited from ADRawEntry.)
Public property OtherFax Gets or sets the alternative fax number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property OtherHomePhone Gets or sets the alternative home phone number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property OtherTelephone Gets or sets the alternative office phone number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property Pager Gets or sets the pager number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property Phone Gets or sets the office phone number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property PhoneticDisplayName Gets or sets the phonetic pronunciation of the value of the DisplayName property. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property PostalCode Gets or sets the postal code of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property PostOfficeBox Gets or sets the post office box number of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property RecipientType Gets the type of the mail-enabled object. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property RecipientTypeDetails Gets the details of the recipient type. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property SeniorityIndex Gets or sets the order in which this person is displayed in a hierarchical address book. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property SimpleDisplayName Gets or sets the alternative description of the object when only a limited set of characters is permitted. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property StateOrProvince Gets or sets the state or province of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property StreetAddress Gets or sets the physical address of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property TelephoneAssistant Gets or sets the phone number of the assistant of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property Title Gets or sets the title of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property UMCallingLineIds Gets or sets the phone numbers or extensions that can be mapped to a Unified Messaging (UM)-enabled person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property UMDialPlan Gets or sets the ID of the Unified Messaging (UM) recipient dial plan. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property UMDtmfMap Gets or sets a value to indicate whether to create a user-defined DTMF map for the Unified Messaging (UM)-enabled person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property VoiceMailSettings Gets the settings that are used to subscribe to the voicemail server. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property WebPage Gets or sets the webpage of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)
Public property WhenChanged (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenChangedUTC (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenCreated (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WhenCreatedUTC (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public property WindowsEmailAddress Gets or sets the email address of the person. (Inherited from OrgPersonPresentationObject.)



  Name Description
Public method Clone (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetProperties (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method SetObjectClass (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from ADObject.)
Public method Validate (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Protected method ValidateRead Validates the presentation object when it is read. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)
Protected method ValidateWrite Validates the presentation object when it is written. (Inherited from ADPresentationObject.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IConfigurable.CopyChangesFrom (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate property IConfigurable.ObjectState (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method IConfigurable.ResetChangeTracking (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.)
