.gif) |
AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AddressBookPolicy |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AddressListMembership |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AggregationSubscriptionCredential |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
Alias |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AllowUMCallsFromNonUsers |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AntispamBypassEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ArbitrationMailbox |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AssistantName |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AuditAdminOperations |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AuditDelegateAdminOperations |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AuditDelegateOperations |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AuditLastAdminAccess |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AuditLastDelegateAccess |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AuditLastExternalAccess |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
AuditOwnerOperations |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
BlockedSendersHash |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
BypassAudit |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
BypassModerationFrom |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
BypassModerationFromDLMembers |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
BypassModerationFromSendersOrMembers |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
BypassNestedModerationEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
Certificate |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ConditionalCompany |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute1 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute10 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute11 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute12 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute13 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute14 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute15 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute2 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute3 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute4 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute5 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute6 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute7 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute8 |
.gif) |
ConditionalCustomAttribute9 |
.gif) |
ConditionalDepartment |
.gif) |
ConditionalStateOrProvince |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute1 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute10 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute11 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute12 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute13 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute14 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute15 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute2 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute3 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute4 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute5 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute6 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute7 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute8 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
CustomAttribute9 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
DefaultMailTip |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
DirSyncId |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
DisplayName |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
DistinguishedName |
Gets the distinguished name for the object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
EmailAddresses |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
EmailAddressPolicyEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
EwsAllowEntourage |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
EwsAllowMacOutlook |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
EwsAllowOutlook |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
EwsApplicationAccessPolicy |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
EwsEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
EwsExceptions |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ExchangeVersion |
Gets the version of Microsoft Exchange that this object is associated with. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
ExpansionServer |
.gif) |
ExtensionCustomAttribute1 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ExtensionCustomAttribute2 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ExtensionCustomAttribute3 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ExtensionCustomAttribute4 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ExtensionCustomAttribute5 |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ExternalDirectoryObjectId |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ExternalEmailAddress |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ForwardingAddress |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ForwardingSmtpAddress |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
GlobalAddressListFromAddressBookPolicy |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
GrantSendOnBehalfTo |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
Guid |
Gets the unique identifier for this object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
HABSeniorityIndex |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
HomeMTA |
.gif) |
Identity |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
ImmutableId |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
IncludedRecipients |
.gif) |
IsCalculatedTargetAddress |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
IsDirSynced |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
IsLinked |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
IsMachineToPersonTextMessagingEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
IsPersonToPersonTextMessagingEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
IsResource |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
IsShared |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
IsValid |
Gets a value that indicates whether the object is configured correctly. (Inherited from ConfigurableObject.) |
.gif) |
LdapRecipientFilter |
.gif) |
LegacyExchangeDN |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
LinkedMasterAccount |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MacAttachmentFormat |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MailboxAuditEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MailboxAuditLogAgeLimit |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MailboxPlan |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MailTipTranslations |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ManagedBy |
.gif) |
MAPIBlockOutlookVersions |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MAPIEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MasterAccountSid |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MaxReceiveSize |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MaxSendSize |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MessageBodyFormat |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
MessageFormat |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ModeratedBy |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ModerationEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
Name |
Gets or sets the name associated with this object. (Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
Notes |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ObjectCategory |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
ObjectCategoryCN |
(Overrides ADRecipient.ObjectCategoryCN.) |
.gif) |
ObjectClass |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
OnPremisesObjectGuid |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
OrganizationId |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
OriginatingServer |
(Inherited from ADRawEntry.) |
.gif) |
OU |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
OWAEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PartnerObjectId |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PhoneticCompany |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PhoneticDepartment |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PhoneticDisplayName |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PhoneticFirstName |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PhoneticLastName |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PoliciesExcluded |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PoliciesIncluded |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
PrimarySmtpAddress |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ProtocolSettings |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
RecipientContainer |
.gif) |
RecipientDisplayType |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
RecipientFilter |
.gif) |
RecipientFilterType |
.gif) |
RecipientLimits |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
RecipientType |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
RecipientTypeDetails |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
RejectMessagesFrom |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
RejectMessagesFromDLMembers |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
RejectMessagesFromSendersOrMembers |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ReportToManagerEnabled |
.gif) |
ReportToOriginatorEnabled |
.gif) |
RequireAllSendersAreAuthenticated |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ResourceCapacity |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ResourceCustom |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ResourceMetaData |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ResourcePropertiesDisplay |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ResourceSearchProperties |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ResourceType |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
RoleAssignmentPolicy |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SafeRecipientsHash |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SafeSendersHash |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SCLDeleteEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SCLDeleteThreshold |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SCLJunkEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SCLJunkThreshold |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SCLQuarantineEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SCLQuarantineThreshold |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SCLRejectEnabled |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SCLRejectThreshold |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SendDeliveryReportsTo |
.gif) |
SendModerationNotifications |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SendOofMessageToOriginatorEnabled |
.gif) |
ShowGalAsDefaultView |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SimpleDisplayName |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
SMimeCertificate |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
TextEncodedORAddress |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ThrottlingPolicy |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
ThumbnailPhoto |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
UMAddresses |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
UMDtmfMap |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
UMExtension |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
UMRecipientDialPlanId |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
UMSpokenName |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
UsageLocation |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
UseMapiRichTextFormat |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
UsePreferMessageFormat |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
WebPage |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |
.gif) |
WhenChanged |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenChangedUTC |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenCreated |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WhenCreatedUTC |
(Inherited from ADObject.) |
.gif) |
WindowsEmailAddress |
(Inherited from ADRecipient.) |