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This interface allows desktop applications to perform Remote API 2 operations on a connected Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device. The set of methods in this interface is the same as the functions provided by the original version of the Remote API, but the underlying implementation of this library provides increased performance and reliability.

A reference to this interface can be obtained by from the IRAPIDevice interface.


The following table shows the methods for this interface in alphabetical order. Like all COM interfaces, this interface inherits the methods for the IUnknown interface.

Method Description
CeCheckPassword Compares a specified string to the system password on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeCloseHandle Closes an open object handle that was created using RAPI or RAPI2 APIs.
CeCopyFile Copies an existing file on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device to a new file on the remote device.
CeCreateDatabase Creates a new database in the object store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeCreateDatabaseEx Creates a new database in the object store or in a mounted volume on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeCreateDirectory Creates a new directory on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeCreateFile Creates, opens, or truncates a file, pipe, communications resource, disk device, or console on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeCreateProcess Run a program on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeDeleteDatabase Removes a database from the object store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeDeleteDatabaseEx Removes a database from the object store or a mounted database volume on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeDeleteFile Deletes a file from the object store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeDeleteRecord Deletes a record from a database on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeEnumDBVolumes Enumerates all mounted database volumes on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device and returns the name for each.
CeFindAllDatabases Retrieves information about all databases of a specified type residing on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeFindAllFiles Retrieves information about all files and directories in the given directory of the Microsoft® Windows® CE object store on a remote device.
CeFindClose Closes the specified search handle on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeFindFirstDatabase Opens an enumeration context to enable an application to enumerate all databases in the object store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeFindFirstDatabaseEx Opens an enumeration context for all databases in a mounted database volume on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeFindFirstFile Searches for a file or subdirectory in a directory on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeFindNextDatabase Retrieves the next database in an enumeration context.
CeFindNextDatabaseEx Retrieves the next database in an enumeration context.
CeFindNextFile Retrieves the next file in an enumeration context.
CeGetClassName Retrieves the name of the class to which the specified window on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device belongs.
CeGetDesktopDeviceCaps Retrieves device-specific information about a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
GetDiskFreeSpaceEx Retrieves information about the amount of space that is available on a disk volume on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetFileAttributes Returns attributes for a specified file or directory on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetFileSize Retrieves the size, in bytes, of the specified file on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetFileTime Retrieves the date and time that a file was created, last accessed, and last modified for a file on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetLastError Returns the calling thread's last-error code value related to RAPI2 method calls.
CeGetSpecialFolderPath Retrieves the path to a special shell folder on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetStoreInformation Fills in a STORE_INFORMATION structure with the size of the object store and the amount of free space currently in the object store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetSystemInfo Returns information about the system on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetSystemMetrics Retrieves the dimensions of Microsoft® Windows® display elements and system configuration settings of a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetSystemPowerStatusEx Retrieves the power status of the system on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetTempPath Gets the path to the directory designated for temporary files on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetVersionEx Obtains extended information about the version of the operating system that is currently running on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetWindow Retrieves the handle to a window that has the specified relationship to the specified window on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetWindowLong Retrieves information about the specified window on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeGetWindowText Copies the text of the specified window's title bar — if it has one — into a buffer.
CeGlobalMemoryStatus Gets information on the physical and virtual memory of the system on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeMountDBVol Issues a mount request on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.for a database volume that contains both data and an integrity log.
CeMoveFile Renames an existing file or a directory on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device, including all of its children.
CeOidGetInfo Retrieves information about an object in the object store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeOidGetInfoEx Retrieves information about an object in the object store or a mounted database volume store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeOpenDatabase Opens an existing database in the object store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeOpenDatabaseEx Opens an existing database in the object store or in a mounted database volume on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeQueryInstructionSet Queries a Windows CE-based remote device to determine whether it supports the specified processor-specific instruction set.
CeRapiFreeBuffer Frees the memory on the desktop computer allocated by a call to IRAPISession::CeFindAllDatabases, IRAPISession::CeFindAllFiles, or IRAPISession::CeReadRecordProps.
CeRapiGetError Reports errors that occur during RAPI2 method calls.
CeRapiInit Syncronously initializes the communication layers between the desktop and the target Windows CE-based remote device.
CeRapiInvoke Used as a general-purpose mechanism to remotely execute a routine.
CeRapiUninit Uninitializes a RAPI2 session.
CeReadFile Reads data from a file on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeReadRecordProps Reads properties from the current record of a database on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeReadRecordPropsEx Reads properties from the current record of a database on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegCloseKey Releases the handle of the specified registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegCreateKeyEx Creates a registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegDeleteKey Deletes a subkey from the specified registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegDeleteValue Removes a value from the specified registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegEnumKeyEx Enumerates subkeys of an open registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegEnumValue Enumerates the values for the specified open registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegOpenKeyEx Opens the specified registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegQueryInfoKey Retrieves information about a specified registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegQueryValueEx Retrieves the type and data for a specified value name associated with an open registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRegSetValueEx Stores data in the value field of an open registry key on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeRemoveDirectory Deletes an existing empty directory on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSeekDatabase Seeks the specified record in an open database on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSetDatabaseInfo Sets parameters for a database in the object store on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSetDatabaseInfoEx Sets parameters for a database on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSetEndOfFile Moves the end-of-file position to the current position of the file pointer for a file on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSetFileAttributes Sets the attributes of a file on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSetFilePointer Moves the file pointer of an open file on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSetFileTime Sets the date and time that a file was created, last accessed, or last modified for files on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSHCreateShortcut Creates a new shortcut on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSHGetShortcutTarget Retrieves the path of the target of a shortcut's target path on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeSyncStart Begins synchronization between a desktop and a remote Microsoft® Windows® CE–based device.
CeSyncStop Stops synchronization between a desktop and a remote Microsoft® Windows® CE–based device.
CeUnmountDBVol Unmounts a database volume on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeWriteFile Writes data to a file on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.
CeWriteRecordProps Writes a set of properties to a single database record on a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based remote device.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: Rapi2.h.
Link Library: Ole32.lib, Rapiuuid.lib.

See Also

Remote API 2 Interfaces | IRAPIDevice:IUnknown

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