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This family of constants specifies which of the fields in the GPS_POSITION structure are valid.

The GPSGetPosition function fills a GPS_POSITION structure with information that includes the latitude and longitude returned by GPS hardware. GPS_POSITION includes a field named dwValidFields, which specifies the fields in the structure that are valid, using a bitwise combination of the constants in the following table.

Value Description
GPS_VALID_UTC_TIME = 0x00000001                                 If set, the stUTCTime field is valid.
GPS_VALID_LATITUDE = 0x00000002 If set, the dblLatitude field is valid.
GPS_VALID_LONGITUDE = 0x00000004 If set, the dblLongitude field is valid.
GPS_VALID_SPEED = 0x00000008 If set, the flSpeed field is valid.
GPS_VALID_HEADING = 0x00000010 If set, the flHeading field is valid.
GPS_VALID_MAGNETIC_VARIATION = 0x00000020 If set, the dblMagneticVariation field is valid.
GPS_VALID_ALTITUDE_WRT_SEA_LEVEL = 0x00000040 If set, the flAltitudeWRTSeaLevel field is valid.
GPS_VALID_ALTITUDE_WRT_ELLIPSOID = 0x00000080 If set, the flAltitudeWRTEllipsoid field is valid.
GPS_VALID_POSITION_DILUTION_OF_PRECISION = 0x00000100 If set, the flPositionDilutionOfPrecision field is valid.
GPS_VALID_HORIZONTAL_DILUTION_OF_PRECISION = 0x00000200 If set, the flHorizontalDilutionOfPrecision field is valid.
GPS_VALID_VERTICAL_DILUTION_OF_PRECISION = 0x00000400 If set, the flVerticalDilutionOfPrecision field is valid.
GPS_VALID_SATELLITE_COUNT = 0x00000800 If set, the dwSatelliteCount field is valid.
GPS_VALID_SATELLITES_USED_PRNS = 0x00001000 If set, the rgdwSatellitesUsedPRNs field is valid.
GPS_VALID_SATELLITES_IN_VIEW = 0x00002000 If set, the dwSatellitesInView field is valid.
GPS_VALID_SATELLITES_IN_VIEW_PRNS = 0x00004000 If set, the rgdwSatellitesInViewPRNs field is valid.
GPS_VALID_SATELLITES_IN_VIEW_ELEVATION = 0x00008000 If set, the rgdwSatellitesInViewElevation field is valid.
GPS_VALID_SATELLITES_IN_VIEW_AZIMUTH = 0x00010000 If set, the rgdwSatellitesInViewAzimuth field is valid.
GPS_VALID_SATELLITES_IN_VIEW_SIGNAL_TO_NOISE_RATIO = 0x00020000 If set, the rgdwSatellitesInViewSignalToNoiseRatio field is valid.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later.
Header: Gpsapi.h.

See Also

GPS Intermediate Driver Constants | GPS_POSITION | GPSGetPosition | Accessing Parsed GPS Data

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