
110 APPLICATION Characteristic Features

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This APPID 110 in the APPLICATION characteristic is used for E-mail POP3 settings. POP3 is defined in RFC1939.

The following table shows the features for the APPLICATION characteristic.

Parameter Description
APPLICATION/APPID The APPID parameter for Application characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to indicate the type of application service available as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

OMA considers each transport to be an application and requires a corresponding APPLICATION Configuration Service Provider. For information of the supported transports, see APPLICATION Characteristic Features.

APPLICATION/PROVIDER-ID The PROVIDER-ID parameter for APPLICATION characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to identify an application service access point as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).
APPLICATION/NAME The NAME parameter for APPLICATION characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to specify a user readable identity as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

In Windows 5.0-based devices it is used to specify the email setting name.

APPLICATION/TO-NAPID The TO-NAPID parameter for APPLICATION characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to refer to a network access point as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

In Windows Mobile-based devices, only the first TO-NAPID will be stored. TO-PROXY is ignored.

The following table shows the parameters for the APPADDR characteristic.

Parameter Description
APPADDR/ADDR The ADDR parameter for APPLICATION characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to provide the address of the application server as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

The following table shows the parameters for the APPAUTH characteristic.

Parameter Description
APPAUTH/AAUTHNAME The AAUTHNAME parameter for APPAUTH characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to provide the ID used to authenticate the user as described in "Parameters for APPAUTH characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

In Windows Mobile-based devices this parameter used in the following APPIDs:

  • 110
  • 143
APPAUTH/AAUTHNAME The AAUTHNAME parameter for APPAUTH characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to provide the ID used to authenticate the user as described in "Parameters for APPAUTH characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

In Windows Mobile-based devices this parameter used in the following APPIDs:

  • 110
  • 143
APPAUTH/AAUTHSECRET The AAUTHSECRET parameter for APPAUTH characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to provide the authentication secret used to authenticate the user as described in "Parameters for APPAUTH characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

The following table shows the parameters for the PORT characteristic.

Parameter Description
PORT/PORTNBR The PORTNBR parameter for PORT characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to identify the port number to connect to as described in "Parameters for APPAUTH characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

See Also

APPLICATION Characteristic Features | APPLICATION Configuration Service Provider

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