
Windows Mobile PKI Hierarchy

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Microsoft provides the Windows Mobile software and Microsoft applications such as Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, and Outlook Mobile. As a platform software vendor and an application software vendor, Microsoft also operates a PKI hierarchy for code signing.

As the platform software vendor, Microsoft is similar to the OEM and operator with the following differences:

  • Microsoft does not create the final run-time image for the devices, therefore Microsoft does not sign applications from third parties and ship them in the platform.
  • Most of the platform software are installed in the firmware before the devices reach the user.
  • Patches and upgrades are shipped by the OEM or operator.

For cases when a patch or a service pack may require a signed package, Microsoft operates two certificate authorities roots. These certificates must be in the Windows Mobile-based devices for the patch or service pack to run on the devices. The following table shows the Windows Mobile software PKI hierarchy.

Certificate Included in the device?
Windows Mobile-based Device Privileged Component PCA Yes

Included in the Privileged Certificate Store.

Included in the SPC with role mask = 222.

Windows Mobile-based Device PCA Yes

Included in the Unprivileged Certificate Store.

Included in the SPC with role mask = 16.

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