Integrating GPS Hardware with the GPS Intermediate Driver
This section discusses integrating GPS hardware with the GPS Intermediate Driver. While this section will be of special interest to hardware manufacturers, it may also be interesting to application developers that want to understand how an application works with GPS Intermediate Driver IOCTLs and plug and play hardware.
In This Section
- Using a Virtual Serial Driver to Integrate GPS Hardware
Explains that the GPS Intermediate Driver interacts with GPS hardware using a real or virtual COM port. - Implementing GPS Intermediate Driver Hardware IOCTLs
Introduces the two sets of IOCTLs defined by the GPS Intermediate Driver that manufacturers can implement to support additional GPS Intermediate Driver functionality. - Implementing Plug and Play GPS Hardware
Explains how the GPS Intermediate Driver uses plug and play hardware, and how to register GPS hardware to support plug and play.
See Also
GPS Intermediate Driver Application Development
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