This interface is used by applications to manipulate a texture resource.
The IDirect3DTexture8 interface is obtained by calling the IDirect3DDevice8::CreateTexture method.
The IDirect3DTexture8 interface inherits the following IDirect3DResource8 methods, which can be organized into these groups.
Devices | GetDevice |
Information | GetType |
Private Surface Data | FreePrivateData |
GetPrivateData | |
SetPrivateData | |
Resource Management | GetPriority |
PreLoad | |
SetPriority |
The IDirect3DTexture8 interface inherits the following IDirect3DBaseTexture8 methods, which can be organized into these groups.
Detail | GetLOD |
SetLOD | |
Information | GetLevelCount |
The methods of the IDirect3DTexture8 interface can be organized into the following groups.
Information | GetLevelDesc |
Locking Surfaces | LockRect |
UnlockRect | |
Miscellaneous | AddDirtyRect |
GetSurfaceLevel |
The IDirect3DTexture8 interface, like all COM interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface methods. The IUnknown interface supports the following three methods.
IUnknown | AddRef |
QueryInterface | |
Release |
The LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 and PDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 types are defined as pointers to the IDirect3DTexture8 interface.
typedef struct IDirect3DTexture8 *LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8, *PDIRECT3DTEXTURE8;
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: D3d8.h.
Link Library: D3d8.lib.
See Also
IDirect3DDevice8::CreateTexture | Direct3D Interfaces
Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004
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