
Configuration Service Providers

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Configuration Service Providers execute configuration requests by changing or querying the values of settings. The Configuration Manager sends configuration requests to the Configuration Service Providers in XML format.

The settings that you can access are determined by roles. You get a role when you try to access Configuration Manager. The following table shows the roles for each device type.

Device type Role
Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC
  • All calls to DMProcessConfigXML receive Manager role.
Windows Mobile-based Smartphone
  • Privileged applications are assigned the Manager role. This role allows unrestricted access to system resources.
  • Unprivileged applications are assigned the Userauth role, by default. This role allows access to system resources with some restrictions.
  • Applications assigned the UserUnAuth role have more restricted access to system resources. This role allows access to few resources, for example, home screen settings.

A provisioning document is flat-format XML file that provides processing instructions to the different Configuration Service Providers. It can be in OMA Device Management format or OMA Client Provisioning format, depending on the delivery option. For information about the available delivery option for each Configuration Service Provider, see Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile-Based Devices.

For a general example of a provisioning document for OMA Client Provisioning, see Provisioning XML File Examples.

Security Note   Configuration data is not encrypted when sent over the air (OTA) over a WAP push. Be aware of this potential security risk when sending sensitive configuration data, such as passwords.

For a information about the syntax of provisioning XML for OMA Device Managementr, see OMA DM Provisioning Files.

See Also

Configuration Service Providers and Security Roles | Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile-Based Devices

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