
Provisioning From a Desktop Computer Using Remote API and ActiveSync

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If the Windows Mobile-based device is cradled to the desktop computer, the device can be provisioned by means of a desktop configuration tool — Rapiconfig.exe. Either the mobile operator or the corporate manager can use this method to configure the device.

Note   Bootstrapping a Windows Mobile-based device using RAPI is disabled by default. For more information see Enabling Remote API (RAPI) Bootstrapping .

Rapiconfig.exe is located in the tools directory of the Windows Mobile Version 5.0 SDK. For information about using this tool, type rapiconfig /? at the command-line. For earlier versions, you can type rapiconfig /h.

Benefits   Using this method, the mobile operator is not required to preconfigure the device at the manufacturer or to provide an OTA framework that supports WAP push and the WAP Provisioning Bootstrap requirement.

Drawbacks   The device must be cradled.

To provision the device

  1. Establish an ActiveSync connection to the device.

  2. Open a command window to the tools directory of the SDK.

  3. Run the following command

    rapiconfig <provisioning.xml>

Provisioning the device is now complete.

After the file is loaded to the device, Configuration Manager is called to process the configuration. If the provisioning file includes any queries, the Configuration Manager returns data that is saved in the same directory as rapiconfig.exe, in a file titled RapiConfigOut.xml. For more information on querying settings, see Query XML Example.

See Also

Options for Delivering Provisioning XML Files to Windows Mobile-Based Devices

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